12 Unexpected Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is a common issue that many people experience, but its causes may not be immediately obvious. While some back pain can be caused by lifting heavy objects or straining the muscles, there are other more surprising causes of this issue. As a matter of fact, some of the causes of back pain may surprise you, especially when you discover that there’s such a thing as a “fat wallet syndrome” or simply wearing skinny jeans and your flip flops may be something that affects your back and causes you back pain.

But, rest assure, there is help to be found, and chiropractic care is an effective way to address these issues and reduce or eliminate back pain. From poor posture to stress and even dieting, chiropractors can help identify the cause of your back pain and develop a plan for treatment so you can get relief quickly. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most surprising and unexpected sources of back agony and how seeing a chiropractor can help resolve them.


Struggling with back pain? It could be related to insomnia. A recent study found that if you suffer from chronic sleeplessness, your risk of developing a sore back is 1½ times higher than those without the condition. Further research has yet to pinpoint the exact cause but stress and lack of good sleep routines may play an influential role in this phenomenon. If you’re having trouble getting restful shut-eye at night, relaxation techniques or therapy might prove beneficial for alleviating both problems simultaneously!

C- Sections

C-sections can help you bring your baby into the world safely, but they may also leave a lasting impact. A study found that women who received epidural anesthesia during their cesarean were more prone to lower back pain in later life. This could be because lying for long periods of time on an awkward posture while under anesthesia prevents one from reacting appropriately and leads to weakened core muscles due to limited activity afterwards – both of which are contributing factors towards chronic muscle aches such as low back pain.


Smoking has an unwelcome effect on your lower back. The nicotine in tobacco restricts blood flow to the spine, leading to a degeneration of tissue which can cause severe pain and discomfort. To make matters worse, healing is hindered by smoking; so any ache could last for prolonged periods of time. Before you light up another cigarette or allow yourself exposure second-hand smoke talk with your doctor about different ways that may help you quit this habit!

Your Walk

Your feet may be more important to your overall well-being than you think! Most Americans take 3,000 – 4,000 steps per day. Issues with foot pain or flatness can interfere with the balance and stride of this everyday activity – potentially leading to strain on other parts of your body like backaches when standing up or walking around. If persistent discomfort persists in these areas consider seeking out a consultation from a specialized medical professional for an evaluation into potential underlying causes related to problems with the feet

Your Clothing

For those who want to stay fashionable, beware: tight pants can cramp your style! A study revealed that they impair the movements and posture of men who switch from their usual slacks size to something smaller. Not only do tighter clothes force you into awkward postures in your lower spine and pelvis when standing, but sitting in tight pants leads to weakened muscles which ultimately compromise core strength and spinal stability.

Your Height

Stature may be a risk factor in back pain – recent studies have suggested that women 5’7″ and above are 20% more likely to experience lower back discomfort, while men 6 feet or taller face an elevated issue with posture-related issues. Researchers suspect this could be due the body’s mechanics when bending over for tasks such as getting into cars, or even conversing with those of smaller sizes.

Video Game Play

Video Gaming can have its downsides, such as muscle tension and bad posture from hours of sitting. To avoid this problem, set a timer to take regular stretching breaks and re-evaluate your seating position – why not try a therapy ball instead? This is an easy way to protect yourself against the physical effects of gaming while still enjoying it!

Fat Wallet

“Fat wallet syndrome” has been around since the mid-1960s, when more men began to carry bulky wallets in their back pockets due to credit cards being used for the first time. The slight height difference in each glute can cause stress and pain in your spine that radiates into your lower back – putting a strain on both muscles and nerves. An easy fix is to simply carry a smaller wallet with just one or two credit cards in your front pocket- so let’s keep those back pockets free from “fat wallets” and help resolve those painful back issues.

Carrying a Heavy Bag

Your backpack, laptop bag or purse may seem like a harmless addition to your daily routine – but carrying it around for extended periods of time can put a strain on the neck and back muscles. Make sure the strap is correctly fitted and try to switch sides once in a while so that you don’t

Scar Tissue

Scar tissue can be your back’s worst enemy after an injury or surgery; it grows in the sensitive area around nerves and may pull on them when you move, leading to pain. Your doctor might turn to electric pulse therapy as a way of diverting these signals away from the affected nerve – if this isn’t effective enough then additional more invasive treatment such as surgery may need to take place.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections, commonly known as UTIs, can be painful and inconvenient for those who experience them. Though bladder infections are more common than kidney infections (which requires a hospital visit), both types of infection originate from bacteria entering your urinary system – often through the rectum or skin area. Symptoms such as fever chills and nausea alongside lower back pain should alert individuals to seek medical attention immediately if they believe a UTI is present; antibiotics will help clear up any existing symptoms quickly in most cases. Women and girls tend to suffer with this condition more frequently which goes some way towards explaining why taking adequate steps against it has become so important over recent years.

Flip Flops

When the weather warms up, our wardrobe choices turn to flip-flops for their simplicity and cool comfort. But before throwing caution to the wind with this footwear choice, it’s important to keep in mind that these flat sandals don’t provide much cushioning which can affect your stride and lead to aches from feet all way up into hips and lower back. Invest a little extra time when selecting summer shoes; look beyond just style & casual sandal design – pay close attention to protection or support features so that you may enjoy countless hours of comfortable strolling and back pain free days!

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