
All You Need to Know About Chiropractic Care

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is a form of health care that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. It involves the manual adjustment of a person’s spine, joints, and other body parts in order to correct any misalignments or restrictions that may be causing pain or discomfort. Although this type of treatment is often used to help with back pain, it can also be beneficial in treating neck pain, headaches, osteoarthritis/fibromyalgia and many other conditions. It is important to note that not everyone responds to chiropractic adjustments. A lot depends on your particular situation and a good Chiropractic Doctor will help guide and advise you during each and every chiropractic adjustment.

Chiropractic adjustment or manual manipulation

Chiropractic adjustments remain one of the most popular forms of non-invasive treatments for back pain each year. Millions of Americans, estimated at 22 million, visit chiropractors every year in search of relief from conditions like herniated disks, sciatica, and other chronic pain. The available research indicates that up to 35% of those who go see a licensed chiropractor for a chiropractic adjustment, do so because they are living with chronic back pain or have experienced an injury that has caused them immense discomfort.

Chiropractic care can usually provide effective relief without the need for expensive surgeries or dangerous medications. It is important to keep in mind, however, that whilst chiropractic adjustments can be beneficial to many people looking for fast and lasting relief from their symptoms, it is also wise to explore all other options before committing to any form of therapy as results will vary per person. Let’s take a look at who can benefit from chiropractic care and how it works.

Who Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is often used to treat people suffering from back pain. However, it can also be effective for those dealing with neck pain, headaches, and osteoarthritis/fibromyalgia. In addition, regular chiropractic treatments may help improve overall joint function which could reduce the risk of injury caused by excessive strain on your muscles and joints.

Chiropractic treatment offers safe and effective relief from pain and limited mobility due to joint and tissue injury. By using hands-on techniques such as spinal manipulation and other alternative treatments, professional chiropractors can provide a safe alternative to more common pain relief procedures by stimulating the body’s natural healing process.

Spinal manipulation is an effective form of alternative treatment used to relieve pain and discomfort. While it can offer benefits to people with a wide range of medical conditions, it is important to note that those with certain medical issues should not undergo the procedure due to potential risks associated with it. People who suffer from herniated discs, for example, are strongly advised against the use of spinal manipulation as it can worsen the existing problem.

Additionally, spinal manipulation could lead to a spinal cord injury if not performed carefully by a skilled professional like a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic.

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Why Use a Chiropractor?

Chiropractors hold a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from an institution accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, the same organization that issues accreditation for medical schools. It is therefore very important for individuals undergoing chiropractic adjustment to completely trust their healthcare provider when making medical decisions in order to ensure their safety.

Furthermore, with the guidance of a certified health professional, regular appointments may help to prevent further injury due to overuse or incorrect posture.

For those searching for safe and effective ways to reduce discomfort and improve overall wellness, chiropractic is an excellent form of treatment.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractors use manual adjustment techniques to manipulate the vertebrae in order to restore proper alignment and mobility to joints restricted by tissue injury or inflammation. This helps relieve pressure on the nerves that are causing pain or discomfort.

In addition to manual adjustments once a physical exam has been performed, chiropractors may also provide nutritional counseling as well as exercise/rehabilitation programs designed specifically for each patient’s needs.

Treatment plans are designed to help patients return to therapeutic activities while experiencing pain relief. Manual adjustments, nutritional counseling and exercise/rehabilitation are utilized in order to restore the functional ability of an injured area and prevent further injury.

Furthermore, rehabilitation can be used as an adjunct or alternative form of treatment to reduce, stabilize or remove pain all together.

Ongoing assessment is crucial to provide the best possible outcomes. Through careful examination, providers can work with their patients to develop safe and effective treatment plans that may involve combination therapies for positive results.

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Is Chiropractic treatment effective?

Chiropractic care has become an increasingly popular form of pain management and medical treatment and numerous studies have demonstrated its efficacy.

A wide range of physical ailments, including neck pain, headaches, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia can all be positively impacted by chiropractic care. This is accomplished through a combination of manual therapy such as spinal manipulations, massage therapy, cold laser, spinal decompression tables, and exercises designed to recreate proper skeletal alignment, boost mobility and provide lasting relief from the physical discomfort associated with these conditions.

Receiving the skillful care of an experienced chiropractor can not only reduce your suffering in the present moment but can also help you live a healthier lifestyle into the future.

Potential Risks Associated With Chiropractic Care

Although chiropractic care is generally safe when performed correctly by an experienced practitioner, there are some potential risks associated with this type of treatment including worsening herniated discs or causing a spinal cord injury in some cases.

Therefore, it’s important to consult with your doctor before seeking out chiropractic care if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or prior spinal injuries.     


As you can see, there are many potential benefits associated with chiropractic care including relief from back pain as well as improved joint mobility which could reduce the risk of further injury caused by excessive strain on your muscles and joints.

However, like any medical procedure there are risks involved.  So, it is important to talk with your primary care physician before seeking out chiropractic care if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or prior spinal injuries. For those who do decide to give it a try though, chiropractic care could provide lasting relief from chronic pain without the need for more invasive treatments such as surgery or medication.

If you are experiencing musculoskeletal pain, it may be time to consider seeing a chiropractor for a physical exam, whether you are experiencing minor aches, tight muscles, or need a chiropractic adjustment for joint pain of which you are already aware. Chiropractic care can provide lasting relief from chronic pain and restore joint mobility without the need for more invasive treatments such as surgery or medication. Contact Anew Chiro chiropractor in The Woodlands, Texas today to schedule an appointment.

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Specific Exercises for Lower Back Muscle Strain

What are some Exercises for Lower Back Muscle Strain?

The muscles in the lower back/lumbar, abdomen, buttocks, and hips, all help to support and stabilize the spine. It’s important to keep these muscles strong through strengthening exercises. Strong lumbar region muscles will help lessen the chance of experiencing a lower back injury or pulled back muscle.

Besides aerobic conditioning, a back exercise plan will consist of targeting the lower back muscles, as well as the muscles in the abdomen, hips, and pelvis. By directly targeting these muscle groups with strengthening exercises, your lower back will be more able to resist a pulled muscle in the lower back due to jarring impacts, or overuse injuries involving the lumbar spine.

Certainly it’s important to consider your fitness level and the injury diagnosis in order to prescribe an exercise program to deal specifically with the back injury you sustain.

Stretching Exercises for the Lower Back

The added stress and strain from stiff back muscles put additional stress on the spine’s natural movement. By stretching the lower back and the muscles in your lower body you can alleviate this tension and reduce pain in the spine

Here are some of the recommended stretching exercises to reduce stress on the lower back muscles;

  • Hip flexor stretch.
    • Kneel on one knee (use a towel for cushioning if needed)
    • With a bent knee, put your foot in front of you. You may need to place your hand on your knee for better balance.
    • Place your opposite hand on the opposite hip and avoid bending over at the waist. Try to ensure that you keep your core abdominal muscles tight while maintaining your back straight. 
    • Now lean slightly forward and gradually add more body weight on the front bent leg. You should definitely feel your thigh stretching.
    • Try to hold for 20 to 30 seconds
    • Switch legs and repeat for three to five times as your pain level allows.
  • Lower back muscle stretch.
    • Lie on your back and bring your knees and chin towards your chest.
    • Feel the slight pull on the muscles in the neck, shoulders and torso.
    • Hold and stretch for 20 seconds and repeat three to five times
    • Remember to breathe normally
  • Hamstring stretch.
    • Lie on the floor near a wall
    • Raise your leg and place your heel against the wall with a slight bend at the knee
    • Slowly straighten your leg until you feel the back of your thigh stretch
    • Hold for 20 to 30 seconds
    • Repeat with the other leg and do each leg three to five times depending on your level of flexibility

While you do these stretching exercises, please remember to breathe deeply as this helps to relieve muscle tension. Each stretch should be held long enough to loosen tight muscles, at least 20 seconds, and repeated three to five times.  While you’re stretching, pay close attention to your body, as stretching should not hurt. If you’re causing yourself more pain while stretching, then stop, or limit the number of repetitions of each exercise.

Strengthening Exercises for Low Back Pain

Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates are common recommendations for types of hobbies or activities that will help strengthen lower back muscles and build core muscle strength.

Working with a healthcare professional to create a customized exercise program for your particular fitness level is recommended, especially if you are rehabilitating a lower back injury. 

The McKenzie method and the dynamic lumbar stabilization method are two strengthening exercise programs that are used to help rehabilitate a lower back injury. The  McKenzie method focuses more on helping to lessen musculoskeletal pain through altering how the body moves naturally. On the other hand, the dynamic lumbar stabilization method attempts to find a neutral or natural spine position so that there is healthy alignment between the spine and associated muscle groups. This method is used to train the back to naturally hold a correct  posture on its own.

Maintaining a healthy body free from pulled muscles, especially lower back strain, takes incorporating an exercise program and making it a part of your lifestyle. That is why it is important to find an exercise program that you enjoy and is comfortable enough for you to do on a regular basis. 

Low-Impact Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercise can be one of the most beneficial rehabilitation methods you can employ, especially after a back muscle injury as it helps to create a healthy blood flow moving oxygen and nutrients through your body to those injured muscles. 

Here are some examples of low-impact aerobic exercises to speed recovery:

  • Walking is a great low impact aerobic exercise that does not need any specialized equipment and can be done anywhere. Try to walk at least 5 minutes initially at a brisk pace, building up to 30 minutes a day. 
  • Cycling can be a fantastic low impact aerobic exercise to improve muscle strength and flexibility in the hips, back, and legs as long as you ride on flat terrain, or use a stationary cycle with adequate back support like a recumbent exercise cycle. 
  • Swimming or water aerobics is a cool way to get your blood flowing to your entire body while engaging the muscles that have been damaged in a gradually and non impactful way. This is one of the lowest risk methods of actively engaging multiple parts of your body using the resistance of the water as a low impact aerobic exercise that elevates your heart rate while minimizing potential jarring to your lower back strain. 

It is important to keep in mind that you should try to get your heart rate elevated for at least 20 minutes or more, at least three or four times per week, in order for to get the most out of these types of aerobic exercises. Engaging in any exercise program can cause fatigue or soreness, but should not cause more pain. If your pain increases during exercise, you should stop, or at least decrease the time or intensity of your workout. You can attempt shorter periods of exercise, and then gradually build up to 20 minutes or more as your pain allows.

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Activator Method Chiropractic Technique

Activator Tool for Spinal Manipulation

While most people are very familiar with spinal manipulations or spinal adjustments, many people are not aware of another type of manual manipulation treatment that is used by chiropractors called the Activator Method. The Activator Method uses a specialized hand held adjusting tool and is used to treat all types of back and neck pain as well as pain in the extremities. This activator adjusting instrument is an alternative to the widely used diversified technique of high velocity, low amplitude thrust or HVLA thrust. The diversified technique involves targeting one joint at a time with a short low-amplitude, quick/high velocity thrust.

The activator adjusting instrument is utilized to deliver quick and low force impulses to spinal joints (and other joints) with the purpose of restoring normal function to those joints. The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners reports that this is one of the most common therapeutic treatments used by chiropractors, second only to the diversified technique. About half of all American chiropractors use the activator method in their clinics.

What is the Activator Method Technique?

The activator adjusting instrument is a spring loaded handheld instrument which allows chiropractors to employ quick low force impulses in specific spots. Two advantages of the Activator Method are as follows:

  • The most obvious advantage is that you can repeat a very controlled force that does not put the joint in any type of bending or twisting situation.
  • Also, the activator instrument is so fast that the body does not have time to tense or resist the treatment. Since the muscles don’t have time to react or tense up, this increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

Some of the older models that are on the market are actually mechanically spring loaded. However, there are newer models that are cordless and the spring is powered electronically.

How does the Activator Method work?

The chiropractor will have you lie face down on the table and then he’ll use specific tests, including checking for any differences in leg lengths. By checking for leg length discrepancies, they are more likely to identify which spinal or extremity joints need to be adjusted due to faulty body mechanics or any abnormal neurological reflexes.

Evidence from research suggests that the hand held Activator is able to specifically treat a small area, such as a single vertebrae, making it a very effective tool in spinal adjustments.

Is Leg Length Evaluation always used in the Activator Method?

Although chiropractors commonly use the leg length evaluation when they are going to use this handheld instrument, many rely on a physical examination approach. During the physical examination, they will use palpation (pressing on the surface of the body to feel the tissues underneath) of the spine and other areas to determine where they will apply the Activator instrument. 

Why is an Activator Method used over other techniques?

One of the greatest advantages of using an activator instrument, is that it has such a small tip.The small surface area of the tip makes it ideal for not only specifically targeting spinal joints, but works well on extremities like the knees, elbows, wrists, and even the jaw. Also, as mentioned above, this instrument acts quickly and does not give the body or muscles time to tense up prior to the adjustment taking place.

How Effective is the Activator Method Treatment?

Traditionally, chiropractors are very well versed in applying spinal manipulation as a manual adjustment technique and research shows that 98% of chiropractors use the HVLA diversified technique in their practices. The activator method is not necessarily intended to replace manual adjustments such as the diversified technique, but have been developed to be used in specific instances when they need a smaller surface area to deliver a quick thrust to a small joint. It is a complementary manual adjustment technique benefiting patients globally, especially those that are not keen on the turning and tugging that can take place during manual manipulations.

Is The Activator Method Safe?

Although the activator is widely used amongst chiropractors, and has been around since the 1970s, it is not as well known as the more traditional manual manipulation methods, despite being approved by the FDA since 1997.  Since it has been approved by the FDA, the Activator adjustment method has been deemed safe to use for spinal realignment and adjustments. 

Research shows that the activator adjustment method works as well as traditional adjustment methods, and is safe for use by chiropractors trained and certified in the Activator method. This certification requires that the Chiropractic Doctor be instructed in the Activator Method Chiropractic Adjustment technique and receive at least a proficiency rating in order to be able to use the method in their practice.

While there are more studies and research going on regarding this type of treatment, it’s very important to visit a Chiropractic Doctor who is specifically trained in this method and has the required certification in the activator adjustment method. 

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The physical and mental health benefits of Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body to stimulate, relax, reduce, release and regulate your body by stimulating the central nervous system. This triggers the release of neurotransmitters which aid in reducing pain, relaxing muscles, and increasing circulation to alleviate sore muscles.

Additionally, acupuncture is non-invasive and has been found to produce long-lasting results for patients suffering from various ailments such as arthritis, migraines, and chronic joint conditions.

Does Acupuncture work?

Although Acupuncture is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, recent research conducted by the NIH and reported in Johns Hopkins Medicine reveals that acupuncture is a successful form of therapy either as an independent treatment or combined with traditional therapies to manage various conditions. These include:

  • Low back pain/spinal cord
  • Headaches
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Nausea caused by surgical anesthesia and cancer chemotherapy
  • Dental pain after surgery
  • Addiction
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Myofascial pain
  • Asthma
  • Stroke rehabilitation
  • Sore muscles

According to the renowned Mayo Clinic, acupuncture can help alleviate aches and pains caused by numerous afflictions. Specifically, they highlighted that this ancient form of healing is used to address the discomfort associated with a myriad of diseases and conditions such as the following

  • Chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting
  • Tension headaches and migraines
  • Labor pain
  • Neck pain
  • Respiratory disorders, such as allergic rhinitis

What certifications should a doctor or acupuncturist hold?

When deciding which acupuncture practitioner to use, make sure you see a doctor accredited by a  national institute. While requirements vary by state, chiropractors can become certified in acupuncture by pursuing diplomate status through the American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture (DABCA). This requires passage of the DABCA exam, which is offered on an annual basis and includes written and oral portions. Each state also has different clinical education and continuing education requirements.

How Does Acupuncture work?

Through the use of acupuncture needles strategically placed on various points along the body’s meridian pathways, acupuncturists can stimulate the body’s natural healing response. This stimulation encourages increased blood flow to nourish affected areas, promotes cell regeneration, and repairs tissues injured or weakened by disease or injury.

Does acupuncture help reduce tension and stress?

Acupuncture is a non-invasive technique used to stimulate pressure points in the body to relax and reduce tension. Upon stimulation of these acupoints, specific chemicals are released including neurotransmitters and hormones that stimulate the body’s own regulation system.

What are other forms of stimulation used instead of acupuncture?

Different types of acupuncture treatments can bring about different results, such as releasing endorphins to alleviate pain and regulate stress levels; stimulating the production of collagen for better skin health; or balancing out hormones and brain chemistry.

Other forms of stimulation are sometimes used over the acupuncture points, such as the following:

  • Suction (cupping)
  • Heat (moxibustion)
  • Pressure (acupressure)
  • Friction
  • Impulses of electromagnetic energy

What chemicals are released during acupuncture?

Acupuncture has several healing properties, but some of its more intriguing effects occur on the physiological level.

Several specific chemicals are released when needles are inserted into particular pressure points throughout the body. beta-endorphins are released which act as feel-good hormones, reducing cortisol levels and improving overall emotional well being.

Acetylcholine is released which helps to reduce inflammation, while serotonin and melatonin help with pain relief and improve the quality of sleep. Together these various chemicals contribute to the body’s overall healing process, making acupuncture an ideal complementary therapy for many conditions.

Furthermore, adenosine, a hormone involved in pain regulation, is also released – allowing the body to relax and reducing overall stress.

Lastly, oxytocin is present during an acupuncture session, promoting a feeling of safety and trust between both patient and practitioner. Not only does acupuncture encourage physical healing by resetting vital balance systems in the body; it produces long-lasting mental health benefits as well.

Is Acupuncture painful?

When people think of acupuncture, they may immediately associate it with pain. In reality, though, this traditional Chinese medical treatment can be surprisingly painless. The thin needles used in acupuncture are FDA-approved and specifically designed to cause minimal discomfort during insertion.

When a patient lies down on the treatment table, the practitioner ensures that the area is warm and relaxed before carefully inserting the needles into specific points along the body. This can create an endorphin rush and a slight tingling or heaviness sensation that might occur at certain pressure points.

For patients who do feel moderate discomfort when receiving acupuncture treatments, it is often because their bodies have restricted blood flow and need to be released for healing to occur; however, once they have experienced successful acupuncture sessions with their practitioner, even these patients will generally find them very pleasant in comparison with other treatment methods.

Is acupuncture treatment right for me?

Acupuncture is an excellent choice for individuals who are looking for a safe and natural way to reduce pain, and inflammation and improve their overall mental health. With its proven ability to help with many physical ailments like muscle tension as well as mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, it’s become increasingly popular among people seeking holistic ways to address their medical concerns.

While acupuncture has been known to provide relief from a variety of physical ailments ranging from acute pain management due to injury or surgery recovery all way through chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia or arthritis – anyone considering starting an acupuncture treatment plan should always consult with their healthcare professional first before trying out any new therapy program so that any contraindications can be discussed beforehand in order ensure maximum safety during treatments session(s).

How long does it take to feel the effects of Acupuncture?

The effects of acupuncture can be felt almost immediately after the procedure. Patients often experience decreased pain, improved range of motion and flexibility, better sleep, and a feeling of overall relaxation.

Does acupuncture help with mental health issues?

For those suffering from chronic conditions like migraines, anxiety, or depression, acupuncture can be a valuable tool in managing symptoms without the use of medications or other invasive treatments.

Research shows that acupuncture may be especially effective as a tool to manage symptoms associated with mental health issues.

Studies have found that acupuncture can produce calming effects by reducing anxiety levels and helping individuals better cope with anxiety or stressful situations. Additionally, this form of treatment can help relieve some of the physical pain felt by those suffering from chronic headaches and migraines. Overall, if used correctly, acupuncture can be beneficial for both physical and mental well-being.

Visit Anew Chiro for your Acupuncture treatments

If you want to feel better both mentally and physically, come visit Anew Chiro Chiropractor in The Woodlands Texas. We offer a safe and natural solution that can reduce pain, and inflammation, and enhance your mental health with a treatment plan that includes acupuncture! With over 20 years of experience as a certified acupuncture doctor, Dr. LeBouef is well-equipped to provide customized treatments to help alleviate your symptoms and optimize your well-being. Schedule your appointment today and experience the healing power of acupuncture!

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What is a chiropractic adjustment?

Who is a chiropractor? 

A chiropractor is a healthcare professional that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. Chiropractors are highly trained medical professionals who specialize in using manually-applied methods to diagnose and treat the musculoskeletal system, including muscles and the spine. But they don’t just treat muscles – chiropractors also use various manipulation techniques such as joint mobilization and stabilization along with soft tissue work to improve posture and restore movement during a chiropractic treatment.

A chiropractor works with patients to determine appropriate treatment plans based on an individual’s needs, lifestyle, and environment, with the goal of helping them reduce stiffness, increase mobility, reduce inflammation, strengthen joints and muscles, and reduce stress. Chiropractic care can help alleviate pain, improve function and restore range of motion.

Chiropractors also work on lifestyle modification through providing advice on posture, exercise, diet and other healthy habits that can improve well-being and mental health.

Furthermore, they work with medical doctors to make referrals when needed for additional treatments such as physical therapy.

With these comprehensive services, chiropractors offer a holistic approach to restoring health for many people.

What does a Chiropractor do?

Chiropractors specialize in helping people suffering from musculoskeletal issues or sports injuries, such as neck pain and headaches, as well as other general strains on the body.

Many chiropractors incorporate traditional adjustments to hands-on manipulation of joints and soft-tissue therapy to help their patients recover.

Additionally, many chiropractors advise their patients in rehabilitative exercises or stretches that promote mobility, flexibility and overall strength.

They may also use joint bracing or kinesio taping to help support the joints, muscles, or tendons that have been injured or strained.

Lastly, many chiropractors will refer their patients to experts like physiotherapists, massage therapists, and nutritionists for further optimization of treatment outcomes.

All of this is designed to restore movement and reduce pain in order for the patient to reach optimal health!

What does a chiropractic adjustment treat/manage?

Chiropractic adjustments are a common form of manual therapy used to treat musculoskeletal pain and other conditions.

Through specific manipulation of the joints, chiropractic adjustment helps relieve tension from tight muscles, increase mobility, improve postural functioning and aid in spinal alignment.

When performed by a licensed practitioner, this form of treatment is effective in managing chronic pain and restoring functionality to areas of discomfort.

Furthermore, research suggests that chiropractic treatments can have positive effects on issues ranging from migraines to vertigo, as well as stomach and digestive disorders.

Ultimately, a chiropractic adjustment can be a helpful tool for managing a variety of physical ailments both acute and long-term in nature.

Why is a chiropractic adjustment done?

A chiropractic adjustment, otherwise known as a spinal manipulation, is a procedure that helps to reduce pain and restore normal movement of the spine or other joints.

This is done by releasing the pressure on joints and muscles, relieving the nerve inflammation that can occur when bones in the spine are out of alignment.

The adjustment also helps to relieve stress on soft tissues to reduce pain while increasing joint mobility and reducing tightness in the affected area.

Ultimately, a chiropractic adjustment assists with returning the body to its optimal physical functioning by freeing it of pain and restrictions.

How common are chiropractic adjustments?

Chiropractic adjustments are becoming increasingly widespread as more people become aware of the many positive benefits they can provide.

A growing trend towards holistic healthcare is one factor encouraging this trend, but so too is the increasing accessibility of these services, which has arisen both due to an increased availability of resources in communities as well as an increased online presence among providers.

As a result, more people than ever are comfortable seeking out chiropractic services to find relief from a variety of physical ailments.

Ultimately, the convenience and effectiveness that comes with regular adjustments is driving this trend forward, helping make it harder than ever before for individuals to ignore the opportunities chiropractic care offers.

Who can get a chiropractic adjustment?

While it is true that everyone can benefit from chiropractic adjustments, certain population groups have specific needs and conditions that make regular visits to a chiropractor essential.

These include athletes needing relief from fatigue due to rigorous training and competition, pregnant women with back pain or those who seek support for their pregnancy journey, seniors dealing with the aches and pains that come with age, infants suffering from colic or digestive issues, and any person experiencing neck pain, headaches, sciatica or stiffness in their joints.

Through the non-invasive application of different therapies such as manual manipulation, electrical muscle stimulation or exercise therapy, adjustments begin to provide immediate relief while also strengthening parts of the body to help prevent future injury.

What happens before a chiropractic adjustment?

Before a chiropractic adjustment, the patient is typically asked to provide information about their medical history, along with any relevant details about the current injury. Afterward, the chiropractor conducts an examination to assess the patient’s condition including their neurological and orthopedic health. This often includes range of motion tests, palpation of soft tissue and joints, x-rays or other imaging tests if required.

Once that is complete, the chiropractor forms a diagnosis and treatment plan that will be used as a guide during the adjustment session.

The goal of this plan is to help restore mobility in problem areas and correct misalignments in the spine along with any other related issues.

What happens during a chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment involves the use of highly specific, gentle manipulations of the spine and surrounding muscles in order to relieve pain, restore mobility, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health.

During a chiropractic session, a trained professional applies manual thrusts along or near the joints. This stimulates nerves and releases endorphins into the bloodstream which helps to relax tight muscles and relieves tension that can often be causing discomfort.

By maintaining the structural balance of the body’s nervous system, it helps correct imbalances that can be caused from poor posture, stress or injury.

It is essential for restoring good health without resorting to drugs or surgery and can ultimately improve your lifestyle in general.

What is the popping sound I hear during a chiropractic adjustment?

The gas-release popping sound heard during a chiropractic adjustment can be intimidating, but it is simply the sound of gas being released from the joints as they are adjusted by the chiropractor.

Contrary to popular belief, this sound is often quite harmless and is simply a sign that the joint has been successfully adjusted.

In fact, many people find that the gas release sound relieves them of pain or tension associated with their chiropractor visit. So, don’t be intimidated – the gas-release popping sound you hear during a chiropractic adjustment might just mean relief for you!

Does a chiropractic adjustment hurt?

Many people worry that a chiropractic adjustment will be painful, but this isn’t usually the case. Receiving an adjustment from a professional chiropractor is typically comfortable and can even offer relief.

After diagnosing the problem and determining the best approach to take, the chiropractor will gently move your joint into a new position with little to no pain. This motion helps reduce stress on your joints and nerves, relieving muscle tension and promoting better function of the musculoskeletal system.

There are some adjustments that may cause little discomfort, but this should only last for a fraction of a second before you start feeling relieved.

What happens after a chiropractic adjustment?

After a chiropractic adjustment, mild soreness may occur, but this should quickly pass with relieving and encouraging results, and you should feel very little soreness after 24 hours. Your chiropractor might recommend “homework” after an adjustment which might include:

  • Exercises
  • Stretches
  • Proper ergonomics for improving posture
  • Icing/heat therapy
  • Nutrition, diet, weight or general health advice
  • Methods to manage stress and relax muscles

What are the benefits of chiropractic care?

On-going treatments will often result in pain relief (which can mean less pain medication), improved range of motion, and reduced levels of tension. This can even result in enhanced physical performance, an increase in activities that were previously too painful to comfortably do before. Thus, chiropractic adjustments are not just a temporary relief from pain but also help heal your body to make it less likely that pain and tension will return.

Additionally, these treatments can reduce inflammation and swelling while maintaining the body’s natural alignment so individuals can experience a higher quality of life.

What if I am not sure about using a Chiropractor?

For those who are looking for pain relief through alternative forms of treatment, seeking chiropractic adjustments may be the perfect solution. Many patients report feeling immediate relief from their pain after visiting a chiropractor, however some may experience minor, temporary post-treatment discomfort. If you’re wondering whether seeing a chiropractor could be beneficial to your situation or would like advice on other forms of care, it is important to speak with your primary care provider. They are in the best position to provide you with guidance and help create a plan for managing your symptoms, pain disorders, and concerns.

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What Is Low Back Pain?

What Is Low Back Pain?

Do you suffer from low back pain? You are not alone. Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work in the U.S., but there is good news! In many cases, it gets better on its own and your doctor may be able to help with several effective treatments. 

Here’s what you need to know if you’re a low back pain sufferer:

– Understand what causes low back pain

– Discover ways to relieve your symptoms at home

– Learn when it’s time to see a chiropractor for further treatment

By knowing more about low back pain causes, you can take steps towards finding pain relief and getting your life back on track.

Low Back Pain Symptoms

Whether it’s a dull ache, stabbing sensation or shooting discomfort, chronic back pain can be debilitating and limit your ability to move freely. If you’ve been dealing with ongoing lower back pain/chronic pain for months, then it’s time to take action and get the relief you deserve. 

Symptoms That May Require Urgent Care

Here are some of the symptoms that should prompt a visit to your doctor:

  • Back pain after a fall or injury
  • Severe pain without a precipitating event
  • Bowel or bladder control problems
  • Leg weakness
  • Fever
  • Pain when coughing or urinating

Don’t wait until it’s too late – if any of these symptoms sound familiar, make an appointment with your primary care physician right away.

Sciatica: Intense Radiating Pain Down One Leg

Are you suffering from back pain that just won’t go away? It could be due to something as simple as a muscle strain. But it could also be caused by an underlying issue with the small, jelly-filled discs between your vertebrae.

A herniated, bulging, or ruptured disc can push on the sciatic nerve, causing intense pain that radiates from your lower back to one leg, along the sciatic nerve. This type of pain is called sciatica and requires medical attention in order to treat it.

If you are experiencing persistent back pain that radiates down one leg, it’s important to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, not just seek temporary pain relief without proper medical attention.

Your physician may suggest simple at-home treatments like rest and applying cold or hot packs to reduce inflammation. Physical therapy can also help strengthen the muscles in your back and legs in order to prevent future injury. If these treatments don’t work, visiting a chiropractor for a treatment plan which includes spinal manipulation may alleviate your symptoms without having to do something more invasive, like surgery.
Who’s at Risk for Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is a common issue that affects people of all ages, but it tends to become more frequent as we grow older. Generally, you may notice the first lower back pain issues in your 30’s, and then experience these pain more often and in greater intensity as you grow older.

In addition to age, there are other factors such as not maintaining a healthy weight or being inactive, and doing heavy lifting at work that can contribute to lower back pain. Read on for some tips on how to relieve your lower back pain and get your life back.

Diagnosing Low Back Pain

If you’re suffering from low back pain, there are several steps you can take to find relief. Here are some tips for getting started:

• Describe your pain in detail to your doctor. Include the type of pain, when it started, and any related symptoms. This will help your doctor to diagnose the source of your pain.

• Share your medical history, including any chronic conditions you may have.

• In most cases, your doctor will not need to order X-rays, CT or MRI scans before starting treatment.

• Take advantage of non-invasive treatments such as physical therapy and stretching exercises to help manage your pain.

• Consider visiting a physical therapist who specializes in low back pain to create an exercise plan tailored to your condition. This type of therapy can be beneficial in providing relief from back pain and restoring mobility.

• Explore other therapeutic treatments such as acupuncture, massage and chiropractic care. These can help to reduce tension in the muscles of your lower back and improve mobility.

• Talk to your doctor about medications that might be appropriate for managing your pain. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, they may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications or muscle relaxants.

By following these tips, you can take steps towards finding relief from your back pain. With the right combination of treatments and therapies you can manage your condition and find a way to live comfortably with it.

Home Care for Low Back Pain

You do not always have to run to the doctor’s office when you are experiencing chronic low back pain, especially if it is not an acute onset due to a fall, a sudden movement, or a specific event. Often you will find that chronic low back pain due to something minor like a muscle strain will get better all by itself, but you can definitely take measured steps to help the healing process. Here are some tips for taking care of your low back pain at home:

• Apply a heating pad or cold compress to the affected area. This will help reduce inflammation and muscle spasms.

• Take over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen or acetaminophen to ease discomfort.

• Keep active and maintain normal activities as much as possible. This will help keep the muscles of your back strong and healthy.

• Practice good posture while sitting, standing or lying down to avoid putting strain on your lower back.

• Avoid strenuous activities that may strain the muscles in your low back.

• Sleep on a mattress that provides good support for your back.

• Take regular breaks from sitting, especially if it is a task you do often throughout the day.

If home care is not working, see a licensed chiropractic doctor

These home care tips should help you manage your low back pain and keep it from getting worse. If these don’t seem to be helping, or if your pain is getting worse, it may be time to see a licensed chiropractic doctor. Your chiropractic doctor can diagnose the source of your back pain and offer more specific treatments that will help you find relief.

Remember, low back pain can often improve with simple home care measures. Taking these steps can help you reduce your discomfort and get back to your normal activities. If your back pain persists, it is important to seek professional help so you can find the right treatment plan for you.

Will my back pain improve if I stay in bed?

When it comes to back pain, the old saying “no pain, no gain” definitely applies. While it can be tempting to stay in bed for days on end when your back is hurting, studies suggest that getting up and moving around is actually the best course of action. Extensive bed rest for more than a day or two can actually make the pain worse, reducing muscle tone and flexibility. If your back is in pain, it’s better to get up and move around than to stay in bed for extended periods of time. Doing light exercises or stretches can help relieve muscular tension and alleviate the discomfort. With some patience and perseverance, you can find relief from back pain.

Strengthening the Back

Back pain can be a debilitating and frustrating condition, but fortunately there are ways to help relieve the discomfort. Strengthening the back is one such way that can be effective in helping to reduce pain. Here are some tips for those seeking relief:

• Flexion exercises: This type of exercise involves bending forward to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the back and hips.

• Extension exercises: This type of exercise involves bending backward to develop the muscles that support the spine.

• Talk to your doctor or physical therapist: Before beginning any type of exercise program, make sure you speak with your doctor or physical therapist about which exercises are safe for you to do.

By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can help relieve some of the pain associated with back pain and strengthen your back muscles. However, it is important to remember that everyone’s body is different and what may work for one person may not be suitable for another. Therefore, always consult your physician, chiropractic doctor, or physical therapist before beginning any exercise program.

Important lifestyle changes: a Holistic Approach

It is important to remember that taking care of low back pain requires a holistic approach. A combination of lifestyle changes like maintaining a healthy weight, physical therapy, medication and chiropractic care may be needed in order to find relief. Talk to your chiropractic doctor about what options are best for you and don’t be afraid to ask questions. With the right care, you can reduce your discomfort and take steps towards better health.

Good luck!

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Chiropractic treatment for back pain

Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

Chiropractic is a trusted and time-tested practice that focuses on the noninvasive treatment of neurological disorders in the human body. Using manual therapy, chiropractors seek to manipulate spinal alignment and treat adjacent tissues for medical conditions such as lower back pain– often finding success from these treatments in countless studies!

Should I see a chiropractor for chronic back pain?

Chiropractic care is an effective way for those suffering from chronic or acute back pain to find relief without relying on medications or surgery. Through manual manipulation techniques along with ultrasound therapy or electrical stimulation treatments, amongst others, chiropractic doctors can help realign misaligned joints and reduce inflammation which can lead to improved quality of life for those suffering from back pain issues. By addressing structural imbalances and misalignments, chiropractic care can help to reduce pain, improve flexibility, and increase range-of-motion.

Non surgical approach to back pain relief

Chiropractic treatments are noninvasive and drug free, so there is no risk of serious side effects associated with long term use. This makes chiropractic care an attractive option for those who are seeking to avoid the use of prescription medications or surgery.

Chiropractic care treats the underlying issues of back pain

Overall, chiropractic care can be beneficial for those suffering from back pain as it seeks to correct the underlying cause of the problem and restore proper function, rather than just masking the symptoms. By addressing any misalignments or imbalances in the spine and joints, chiropractic care can help to reduce pain, improve mobility, and promote overall health.

Does a Chiropractor treat all back pain?

A visit to the chiropractor may help alleviate back pain for many sufferers, as they are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.

Low back pain can often occur and can be treated through chiropractic care. But not every lower back injury can be treated through chiropractic treatment. For example, pain in the lower back can indicate kidney problems and the chiropractor can’t provide much help.

Pain caused by muscle tissues is usually treated better through massage therapy.

Techniques used to treat back pain

Chiropractors are specially trained to assess and diagnose musculoskeletal problems. After taking your medical history, they will perform a physical examination that includes assessing your posture, range-of-motion, and spinal alignment. If they find any misalignments in your spine or joints, they may use manual manipulation techniques called adjustments to realign them. These techniques involve applying precise force to specific areas in order to restore proper function and mobility.

In their treatment plan, they may also recommend lifestyle changes such as exercise, diet modifications, and stretching routines to help improve overall health and reduce pain levels.

In addition to these adjustment techniques, chiropractor may also use other treatments such as ultrasound therapy or electrical stimulation to reduce muscle tension and inflammation.

Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves to penetrate deep into tissues in order to stimulate healing and reduce swelling or discomfort.

Electrical stimulation involves using low-voltage electrical current applied directly onto the skin over the affected area in order to reduce muscle spasms or increase circulation. Both treatments have been shown to be effective ways of alleviating back pain.

However, there are many other types of techniques used by chiropractors in treating back pain, such as is listed below.

Manual Manipulation- Chiropractor technique used to treat back pain

Manual manipulations are a reliable technique used to treat musculoskeletal disorders and conditions caused by physical trauma or repetitive activities that disrupt normal function.

An adjustment, performed by an experienced practitioner, is designed to realign the joints and surrounding tissues in order to restore balance, improve movement and reduce pain. This is achieved with specific manual techniques such as mobilization, pressure, stretching and massage applied to the affected area.

Regular visits to a chiropractor carrying out manual adjustments can help provide a long-term solution from chronic pain and long term improvements in overall musculoskeletal health.

Can Spinal Manipulation cause pain?

Spinal manipulation is generally considered a safe technique used by an authorized doctor to treat chiropractic back pain, amongst other ailments.  However, it is possible for mild discomfort to occur during the spinal manipulation procedure. This is usually due to pressure being placed on soft tissues and joints in order to realign them. The patient may also experience soreness after the treatment as they adjust to the changes affected by the spinal manipulation. The soreness should subside within 24-48 hours, however if it persists the patient should contact their chiropractor.

Acupuncture & Acuneedling- Chiropractor techniques used to treat back pain

Acupuncture and Acuneedling are two powerful techniques that have been used for centuries to treat a variety of musculoskeletal issues. These pain reduction methods target pain, stiffness, and tension by stimulating certain areas of the body through small needle insertions. By activating pain pathways back to the brain, acupuncture and acuneedling ( a more recent technique derived from acupuncture that uses both smaller and filiform needles to stimulate specific pain points) reduce pain while improving overall health. Indeed, these treatments have been long revered as a safe and effective solution with potential improvement in many other aspects of health such as increased energy levels and enhanced bodily function.

Ultrasound Therapy- a Chiropractor technique used to treat pain

Ultrasound therapy is a chiropractic technique used to treat pain. This pain-relieving treatment method focuses on the musculoskeletal system using sound waves to penetrate through the affected tissues and reduce tension in targeted areas. These sound waves vibrate through the affected areas, creating heat where the pain and tension is being experienced. By doing so, pain may be reduced and muscles relaxed, allowing for easier movement and overall improvement in the patient’s pain levels.

Non invasive Treatments using Ultrasound

Patients can expect notable improvement in pain levels after the ultrasound therapy treatment session guided by an experienced chiropractor. With regular sessions, pain can be alleviated for lengthy periods of time due to the stimulation of endorphin’s during ultrasound therapy treatments.  If you’re looking for a non-invasive solution to treat pain, ultrasound therapy could make all the difference in your life.

Spinal Decompression- A Chiropractor technique to treat back pain

Spinal Decompression is an effective spinal manipulative therapy technique used to treat back pain and tension. Through slow stretching and spinal realignment, Spinal Decompression helps alleviate pain symptoms caused by herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and sciatica. In particular, the technique reduces the pressure on targeted discs in the spine through a series of gentle movements that bring about significant pain reduction and great improvement over time.

Through this pain-free procedure, many individuals living with debilitating pain are able to find long-term relief instead of relying on constant medication for relief.

Spinal Decompression offers a viable pain solution without surgery – making it an effective option for those seeking natural pain treatment. By utilizing this cutting edge technique, patients have reported less pain over extended periods of time with improved mobility and increased quality of life both physically and mentally. As one of the leading chiropractic treatments available on the market today, spinal decompression has become a key player in relieving chronic low back pain.

Other Effective leading Chiropractic Techniques

  1. Electrical Stimulation
  2. Graston Technique
  3. Massage Therapy
  4. DTS Therapy
  5. Cold Laser Therapy
  6. ART or Active Release Techniques

Expert Advice for avoiding back pain in the future

Finally, chiropractors are experts at providing advice on how best to avoid back injury in the future by improving posture, strengthening core muscles, and learning proper ergonomic techniques when sitting at a desk or lifting heavy objects. By following these tips regularly you can help prevent future episodes of back pain from occurring again.  Furthermore, chiropractic care can help keep your joints functioning correctly by providing regular adjustments that improve flexibility, range-of-motion, and strength. A healthy back means a healthier you – so don’t hesitate to contact your chiropractor if you’re suffering from any type of back pain. With their expertise and knowledge, they can help you get back to living your best life.


Chiropractors provide valuable advice on how best to avoid further injury through lifestyle changes such as exercises and ergonomic practices which can all contribute towards long-term relief from back pain. For anyone looking for an alternative way of dealing with their back pain issues it is definitely worth considering visiting a chiropractor for assessment and treatment options tailored specifically for you!

Anew Chiro Chiropractor in The Woodlands, Texas

If you are experiencing back pain, don’t wait any longer to get relief. Contact a Anew Chiro chiropractor today and find out how they can help you live a life free of pain. With professional advice and the right treatments tailored to your needs, you could be on your way to a healthier, happier lifestyle!

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Some Root Causes Of  Back Pain

Root Causes of Back Pain: Your Job

I know you’ve heard it before,my job is a pain in the neck! But, in this case it literally could be a pain in your back. If you are experiencing back pain that is affecting your day-to-day life, your job may be to blame. Although there are many potential root causes of your back pain, one of them could be related to your job.

Here are some common workplace issues that might be contributing to your discomfort:

• Lifting heavy objects (Although, simply twisting sideways in your chair to move a book, or picking something up off the floor while seated is enough to precipitate an acute pain.)

• Pulling or pushing items

• Twisting movements with the spine

• Sitting at a desk for long periods in an uncomfortable chair

• Slouching while sitting at a desk

If any of these above sound familiar, it’s time to seek out professional help from a chiropractor who can assess the source of your pain and provide targeted chiropractic treatments.

Root Causes of Back Pain: Your Bag

Did you know that the cause of your back pain could be something as simple as the bag you carry around every day? 

Here are 3 key reasons why your bag might be causing your back pain:

* Your lower back supports the upper body – including any extra weight from an overstuffed bag. This can strain the lower back when carried day after day.

* An overloaded or heavy purse, backpack, or briefcase can put added stress on muscles in your neck and shoulders leading to tension headaches and other issues.

* Carrying a heavy load all day long may lead to posture problems due to uneven distribution of weight which causes muscle imbalances that affect how we move.

Root Causes of Back Pain: Your Workout

Your workout routine, or rather how you approach your workout, may help you get to the root of your back pain. It’s important to look at how your workout routine might be contributing to the pain you are experiencing in your back. Here are some common causes of overextended muscles leading to low back pain:

– Overdoing it at the gym or golf course

– Being inactive during the work week and then doing intense physical activity on the weekend

– Not stretching before or after exercising

– Doing exercises that put too much strain on your lower back muscles

– Using incorrect form when lifting weights or doing other exercises

If you are experiencing back pain that is related to your workout, it may be beneficial to visit a chiropractor. A chiropractor can assess the source of your pain and provide targeted treatments such as spinal manipulation, massage therapy, and/or physical therapy in order to help.

Root Causes of Back Pain: Your Posture

Is your posture to blame for some of the lower back pain or spine pain that you are experiencing? Here are some of the root causes of back pain that can be addressed with a few simple changes:


    • Maintaining good posture, including sitting with proper lumbar support for your lower back, shoulders back, and feet resting on a low stool.


    • Keeping weight evenly balanced when standing on both feet.


    • Making sure to move around frequently throughout the day to avoid long periods of inactivity.

By addressing these root causes through chiropractic care, you may find yourself feeling more comfortable and less anxious about living life without chronic or acute pains from specific areas like your neck or spine!

Root Causes of Back Pain: Herniated Disc

Are you experiencing back pain and looking for relief? You’re not alone. Back pain is one of the most common ailments in America, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point in their lives. While there are many potential causes of back pain, one of the most frequently encountered is a herniated disc.

This occurs when one or more vertebrae discs become weakened and rupture or bulge, putting pressure on the spinal nerve roots and causing intense discomfort. 

If you’re suffering from back pain that won’t go away with rest or over-the-counter medications, it may be time to see a medical professional to determine if you have a herniated disc and explore options for treatment.

Root Causes of Back Pain: Chronic Conditions

Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints among adults today, and it can have a variety of causes. Many people seek help from chiropractors or medical professionals to find relief from musculoskeletal and skin diseases.

Chronic Conditions:  spinal stenosis, ankylosing spondylitis, & fibromyalgia

One possible cause of your discomfort could be a chronic condition such as spinal stenosis, ankylosing spondylitis, or fibromyalgia.

Spinal stenosis

A condition known as spinal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spaces within your spine, which can cause pain in the lower back. It occurs most commonly in people aged 50 and older, though it can occur at any age. Symptoms include persistent pain that radiates from the lower back into one or both legs, numbness and tingling in the legs, difficulty walking and balancing, and muscle weakness.

Ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis is a long-term inflammatory disorder that affects the spine and other body parts, such as the eyes. It is an autoimmune condition that can cause pain and stiffness in the lower back and neck that is worse at night or when getting up from a seated position. Symptoms generally start before the age of 45 with episodes of acute pain in the lower back or hips.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain throughout the body, including the lower back. Other symptoms include fatigue, muscle stiffness, headaches, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety and cognitive dysfunction. Treatment for this condition often includes medications to reduce inflammation and manage pain, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes.

Each of these conditions can lead to low back pain that may require specialized treatment in order to ease the symptoms and provide lasting relief. If you are struggling with persistent back pain, consulting with a medical professional may be able to help you identify potential root causes so that you can take steps towards finding long-term solutions.

Root Causes of Back Pain: Your Wallet

It may surprise you to hear, but one of the most common causes of back pain is an overloaded wallet being carried in your back pocket. Carrying a large and heavy wallet in your back pocket can cause excess strain on your lower back muscles, resulting in discomfort that may be hard to ignore. 

The slight difference in the height of each buttock while sitting, with one side slightly elevated due to the wallet in your back pocket, can cause spinal misalignment over time.

If you’re experiencing ongoing back pain and carry a large wallet, it may be time to lighten your load and switch to a smaller, lighter option. Or better yet, start carrying a small wallet in your front pocket. Doing so can help you alleviate the strain on your back and help you find relief from your pain.

It’s important to remember that there are many causes of back pain, and it’s not always easy to determine what is causing yours. If you are having trouble finding relief, talking to your doctor or a chiropractor may help you identify the root cause of your pain so that you can take steps towards recovery

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Top Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor

Top 9 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractr 

Pain Relief

Pain relief is one of the top reasons why people visit a chiropractor. Chiropractic care is an effective and natural way to treat many physical ailments, including back pain, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, sciatica, as well as joint and muscle problems. As chiropractors approach pain as part of an overall physical imbalance that needs to be addressed in order to achieve long-term health benefits, they can help alleviate discomfort quickly and effectively.

Overall Wellness

Chiropractic care is more than just treating pain and improving posture; it’s about achieving overall wellness. Chiropractors take a holistic approach to health, seeking to address any immediate needs as well as identifying potential problems before they start.

Advice on Lifestyle

Chiropractors understand that pain relief is only part of the solution to achieving overall wellness. Often times, they will provide advice on lifestyle changes which can help reduce symptoms associated with chronic conditions and improve quality of life. These interventions may include nutritional supplements, exercises or stretches, as well as modifications to your diet and exercise routine. Through regular follow-ups and adjustments, chiropractors are able to monitor progress in order to ensure that the recommended lifestyle changes are having a positive effect on your physical health. Additionally, chiropractic care can also be beneficial for mental health issues such as stress management or anxiety disorders by creating an environment where you feel supported and heard.

Spinal Adjustment To Restore Balance

Chiropractors can also help you improve your posture and overall spinal alignment. A chiropractor will assess your posture and design a plan for improving it through manual adjustments, stretches and exercises. This is important because poor posture, as well as poor ergonomics, can cause undue stress on the body, leading to muscular imbalances, joint dysfunction, and tightness in the muscles.

When vertebrae become out of sync with each other it can cause mobility issues and even interfere with nerve signals from the spine to various organs and body parts. By realigning these bones in their proper position, chiropractors can restore balance throughout the body and promote optimal functioning.

The Treatment of Chronic Conditions

A visit to the chiropractor may also be recommended for those suffering from chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia or arthritis that cause inflammation in joints or muscles around these areas. Through gentle manipulations performed by a trained practitioner, inflammation can often be reduced providing much needed relief.

A chiropractor is an experienced and trained medical professional who specializes in treating chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, sciatica, arthritis, and other pain disorders, and works hand in hand with other medical professionals to develop custom tailored plans for each patient in order to bring lasting pain relief.

Improve Athletic Performance

Others might seek out a chiropractor’s services if they are looking for improved posture or better athletic performance. Many athletes use chiropractic care to gain an edge on their opponents or improve their performance during competitions; this technique has been found particularly helpful with dynamic sports like gymnastics, swimming, dancing and running where correct alignment often makes all the difference.

Improve Comfort During Pregnancy

Chiropractic care and adjustments can be highly beneficial for expecting mothers who are dealing with the additional weight of their pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many changes that can cause tension in her spine, hips, and other joints as they try to accommodate the extra weight. Regular chiropractic adjustments help to maintain proper alignment throughout the body as well as reduce tension while providing pain relief. In addition, chiropractic adjustments can also help to alleviate issues like lower back pain and sciatica that are often associated with pregnancy.

Sciatica and Pregnancy

Sciatica is a common condition experienced by expecting mothers which can lead to considerable discomfort along the lower back; through adjustments aimed at improving alignment throughout the entire body mommies-to-be can experience significant relief from this distressful symptom promptly without any side effects affecting baby’s health. The gentle manipulations used by a trained practitioner can provide much needed relief without any risk of harm coming to mother or baby.

Prevent Future Injuries and to Promote Overall Health

Finally, some individuals may decide to see a chiropractor as part of a preventative effort against future injuries — whether related to sports practice or regular daily activities — to ensure that their bodies stay strong and flexible over time without succumbing more easily to strain caused by regular wear and tear.

Visit a Local Chiropractor Today!

Chiropractic care can be a powerful tool for the management of chronic conditions, pain relief, improved performance, as well as lead to a healthier lifestyle. The wide range of services offered by chiropractors make them an invaluable resource to patients seeking natural solutions to lingering health problems or ways to improve their overall wellbeing. No matter what your unique situation may be, consulting with a skilled practitioner can provide you with invaluable insight into your overall wellbeing, providing tailored holistic treatments based on your specific needs.

If you are considering utilizing chiropractic care for yourself, be sure to find a licensed practitioner who has the experience and expertise to help you achieve your health goals.

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Unexpected Causes of Back Pain

12 Unexpected Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is a common issue that many people experience, but its causes may not be immediately obvious. While some back pain can be caused by lifting heavy objects or straining the muscles, there are other more surprising causes of this issue. As a matter of fact, some of the causes of back pain may surprise you, especially when you discover that there’s such a thing as a “fat wallet syndrome” or simply wearing skinny jeans and your flip flops may be something that affects your back and causes you back pain.

But, rest assure, there is help to be found, and chiropractic care is an effective way to address these issues and reduce or eliminate back pain. From poor posture to stress and even dieting, chiropractors can help identify the cause of your back pain and develop a plan for treatment so you can get relief quickly. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most surprising and unexpected sources of back agony and how seeing a chiropractor can help resolve them.


Struggling with back pain? It could be related to insomnia. A recent study found that if you suffer from chronic sleeplessness, your risk of developing a sore back is 1½ times higher than those without the condition. Further research has yet to pinpoint the exact cause but stress and lack of good sleep routines may play an influential role in this phenomenon. If you’re having trouble getting restful shut-eye at night, relaxation techniques or therapy might prove beneficial for alleviating both problems simultaneously!

C- Sections

C-sections can help you bring your baby into the world safely, but they may also leave a lasting impact. A study found that women who received epidural anesthesia during their cesarean were more prone to lower back pain in later life. This could be because lying for long periods of time on an awkward posture while under anesthesia prevents one from reacting appropriately and leads to weakened core muscles due to limited activity afterwards – both of which are contributing factors towards chronic muscle aches such as low back pain.


Smoking has an unwelcome effect on your lower back. The nicotine in tobacco restricts blood flow to the spine, leading to a degeneration of tissue which can cause severe pain and discomfort. To make matters worse, healing is hindered by smoking; so any ache could last for prolonged periods of time. Before you light up another cigarette or allow yourself exposure second-hand smoke talk with your doctor about different ways that may help you quit this habit!

Your Walk

Your feet may be more important to your overall well-being than you think! Most Americans take 3,000 – 4,000 steps per day. Issues with foot pain or flatness can interfere with the balance and stride of this everyday activity – potentially leading to strain on other parts of your body like backaches when standing up or walking around. If persistent discomfort persists in these areas consider seeking out a consultation from a specialized medical professional for an evaluation into potential underlying causes related to problems with the feet

Your Clothing

For those who want to stay fashionable, beware: tight pants can cramp your style! A study revealed that they impair the movements and posture of men who switch from their usual slacks size to something smaller. Not only do tighter clothes force you into awkward postures in your lower spine and pelvis when standing, but sitting in tight pants leads to weakened muscles which ultimately compromise core strength and spinal stability.

Your Height

Stature may be a risk factor in back pain – recent studies have suggested that women 5’7″ and above are 20% more likely to experience lower back discomfort, while men 6 feet or taller face an elevated issue with posture-related issues. Researchers suspect this could be due the body’s mechanics when bending over for tasks such as getting into cars, or even conversing with those of smaller sizes.

Video Game Play

Video Gaming can have its downsides, such as muscle tension and bad posture from hours of sitting. To avoid this problem, set a timer to take regular stretching breaks and re-evaluate your seating position – why not try a therapy ball instead? This is an easy way to protect yourself against the physical effects of gaming while still enjoying it!

Fat Wallet

“Fat wallet syndrome” has been around since the mid-1960s, when more men began to carry bulky wallets in their back pockets due to credit cards being used for the first time. The slight height difference in each glute can cause stress and pain in your spine that radiates into your lower back – putting a strain on both muscles and nerves. An easy fix is to simply carry a smaller wallet with just one or two credit cards in your front pocket- so let’s keep those back pockets free from “fat wallets” and help resolve those painful back issues.

Carrying a Heavy Bag

Your backpack, laptop bag or purse may seem like a harmless addition to your daily routine – but carrying it around for extended periods of time can put a strain on the neck and back muscles. Make sure the strap is correctly fitted and try to switch sides once in a while so that you don’t

Scar Tissue

Scar tissue can be your back’s worst enemy after an injury or surgery; it grows in the sensitive area around nerves and may pull on them when you move, leading to pain. Your doctor might turn to electric pulse therapy as a way of diverting these signals away from the affected nerve – if this isn’t effective enough then additional more invasive treatment such as surgery may need to take place.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections, commonly known as UTIs, can be painful and inconvenient for those who experience them. Though bladder infections are more common than kidney infections (which requires a hospital visit), both types of infection originate from bacteria entering your urinary system – often through the rectum or skin area. Symptoms such as fever chills and nausea alongside lower back pain should alert individuals to seek medical attention immediately if they believe a UTI is present; antibiotics will help clear up any existing symptoms quickly in most cases. Women and girls tend to suffer with this condition more frequently which goes some way towards explaining why taking adequate steps against it has become so important over recent years.

Flip Flops

When the weather warms up, our wardrobe choices turn to flip-flops for their simplicity and cool comfort. But before throwing caution to the wind with this footwear choice, it’s important to keep in mind that these flat sandals don’t provide much cushioning which can affect your stride and lead to aches from feet all way up into hips and lower back. Invest a little extra time when selecting summer shoes; look beyond just style & casual sandal design – pay close attention to protection or support features so that you may enjoy countless hours of comfortable strolling and back pain free days!

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