
Surprising source of Back Pain

Back pain relief advice: Use a smaller wallet

On a recent occasion when I cleaned out my wallet, it had gotten quite thick as of late. I was amazed at the amount of junk I had accumulated in the weeks and months beforehand, since I knew better than to have a fat wallet in my possesion.

As I started sorting through everything, I not only found my driver’s license, pictures of my family, & $127 in cash, but I also found four credit cards (because you never know when you might prefer cash back, United miles, American Airlines miles, or, well I don’t know what the other one is doing in there, but they must be important since I lug them around 365, right

Upon further inspection, I found my work access ID, a membership card to Gold’s Gym, a gift card that my daughter had given me for 50 bucks for my birthday to a local restaurant that I love, and of course those pesky receipts that have been saved for months and they’re just adding more weight and height to my wallet. I found the Chipotle receipt for a protein style burrito and large bowl of queso and a receipt for a Red Bull and bag of Doritos especially important, not to carry in my wallet necessarily, but as a reminder to hit the gym and start eating better. 

I go into all of this detail since I carry all of this in a small wallet in my front pocket. This particular wallet I purchased in Ponte Vecchio in Firenze (yes, this is the snooty way of saying “Old Bridge” in Florence, Italy, but I digress) and made of the most exquisite leather, hand made by leather artisans trained in the old world ways, and each stitch lovingly crafted to reveal a masterpiece, dare I say, worthy of DaVinci’s approval. 

When I first purchased this wallet while on vacation in Italy, it was amongst my prized possessions, not because it costs so much, it was only about $31, but because of the memories it elicited of the trip to such a glorious country, and of course the feel of something in my hands that was truly a masterpiece of Italian craftsmanship. Looking back, I wish I’d have purchased about 5 replacements, as I did not know at the time that I would grow so fond of it. It’s a bit tattered now, and definitely needs replacing. Mostly because I’ve overstuffed it with so many credit cards and junk receipts over the years.I realize I could go and buy a similar wallet at a high end department store, but it just wouldn’t have the same feel, and it certainly wouldn’t be $31. 

I started carrying my wallet in my front pocket because of back pain that I was experiencing in my lower back, and I just couldn’t pinpoint the source of the issue. It wasn’t like I had twisted my back doing a 180 switch on my snowboard at Wolf Creek, or picked up something heavy and felt a snap or heard a pop. It’s just that my back constantly hurt for months on end. It wasn’t a sharp pain- it was just a dull everlasting pain that stayed with me throughout the day. 

Well, they say that people truly never change unless there’s enough pain or pleasure involved, and I am absolutely not an exception when it comes to change. Plus, being a man, there is a gene that we carry that only allows us to go to the doctor if there is a bone protruding from our skin, that impedes our daily routine, or if we happen to pass out (or are knocked out in a car accident or some rough football or basketball play amongst friends), from an infection, heart attack, stroke, or virus and end up at the hospital because a loved one or coworker called an ambulance. If it is a small bone with very little bleeding involved, we just rub some dirt in it and go about our day. 

BUT, my back was telling me that I had enough pain,  and so I decided to do something about it after my sister mentioned that I should go see a chiropractor. At first I told her all those guys are quacks, and they are not really medical doctors. I told her I can crack my own bones, and proceeded to crack my knuckles in front of her. She would not be dissuaded. She persisted by telling me that she had tremendous pain in her back caused by her first pregnancy. She mentioned that her lower back had really started to hurt her after her second trimester and someone had recommended she go see a chiropractor. She proceeded to tell me that since she wasn’t sleeping well and the weight of carrying the baby was just more than she could stand everyday, she gave in and went to see a chiropractor, despite initially having similar beliefs as mine. To her amazement, the chiropractor she went to see did a spinal adjustment on her after an initial exam, discussed some stretching exercises that she could do at home to help her decompress her back after a long day, and put her on a treatment plan to come back for follow up spinal adjustments. She says it was the best money she had spent to help her sleep better at night and have tools that she could use during the day to help her reset her aching back. 

Although I was quite skeptical, I decided to schedule an appointment and go see her chiropractor, since my back was just killing me. 

On the day of the appointment, already armed with a skeptical mind set, I was set aback by the calm and peaceful bedside manner, and the amount of time dedicated to understanding my lifestyle, before a physical examination even began. He asked me about my hobbies, where I worked out and how often, what type of food I ate, if I was on a diet, my type of work and how physically rigorous it was, or  if I spent a lot of time behind a desk. The questions continued for a while, but what really set me back was when he asked if he could see my wallet. I said, hey Doc, I already paid my copay up front. He laughed and said no, it’s not about that. I just want to see if you have a fat wallet. I laughed and said, it’s not as fat as it used to be before three kids, braces, and select sports. I handed him my wallet and he said, well this certainly may be the culprit, or at least part of the issue.

 Okay, so here is where it gets a bit technical, but bear with me. He said there is a chain reaction that occurs from a fat wallet and it goes like this…

The bulge in your back pocket makes one side of your body raise up higher than the other, causing your pelvis to be hiked up on that side. Your low back, the lumbar region will bend to the side opposite the bulge, while your mid back, or thoracic spine, curves in the opposite direction to counterbalance because your head and eyes want to stay horizontal. This double bend, or S curve that is counterbalancing the bulge in your wallet causes the associated muscles to become shortened and not active as much as if the bulge was not there. This slight shift decreases those muscles to fire and increases stress through the hip joints, while the other side of your pelvis is distorted in the exact opposite manner and the muscles are lengthened and do not fire as often. In effect, one side of the muscles in your lumbar and thorax are firing too much, while the other side is doing less work, or stabilization, and working less than it should. Over time, this trains one side of  the muscles in your spine to become over-stretched and quick to fatigue, while the other side is shortened through overuse, inducing pain. This chronic conditioning decreases your postural endurance and leads to pain while sitting at your desk. 

Lastly, he stated, once this poor posture begins, it can result in major pelvic misalignment. Furthermore, prolonged sitting with your wallet located too close to either the piriformis muscle or sciatic nerve could lead to serious irritation of these nerves which may manifest as pain radiating down through your glutes into one leg. 

So, after the physical examination and a spinal adjustment, he prescribed a thin wallet to be worn in a front pocket, with only essential credit cards, a few family pics, and minimal amounts of cash. So, since we were going on vacation to Italy the following week, purchasing a small wallet was at the top of my list of things to purchase while there. Within a month of that small change, going from a fat wallet in my back pocket, to a small wallet with essentials in my front pocket, my lower back pain disappeared, along with my preconceived notions about Chiropractors. They truly do look at your entire lifestyle from a holistic point of view to get at the root cause of your pain, not just try to medicate your symptoms.

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How to Select the Best Chiropractor for Pain Sufferers

How to choose the best Chiropractor

Chiropractic care is an alternative medical practice that focuses on treating neuromuscular disorders through manual manipulation of the spine. If you suffer from chronic pain, a chiropractor is a great option to consider in relieving your symptoms. However, it’s important to take time and select the best chiropractor for your unique needs, so that you can enjoy the maximum benefit of this type of treatment.

Choosing the right chiropractor is extremely important, as you need to feel comfortable with the doctor and have confidence in their knowledge and capabilities. As such, researching chiropractors and gathering references is critical and finding the best suited for your unique health issue, or lifestyle. Also, you will want to interview each potential chiropractor in order to get to know him/her better and understand their treatment plans. You may want to ask questions about any additional services they may provide, such as massage therapy or acupuncture if needed. Pay close attention to how well the doctor communicates with you and if they accurately assess your condition before making a final decision. Lastly, take notes during the visit so you can refer back to them later on when it’s time to decide which chiropractor is best suited for you.

The following are some tips to help you select a chiropractor who is right for you:

Research and Gather References

Research available local options and look into their qualifications and experience. Ask around family and friends for any references they may have on chiropractors they know or have visited before. This is an important step because it ensures that you get an experienced professional who can help manage your pain effectively. You could also look online for reviews from other clients.

Set Up a Consultation

Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, set up a one-on-one consultation with each chiropractor on your list. During this consultation, ask about their treatment plans as well as additional services such as massage therapy or acupuncture if needed. Evaluate how well the doctor communicates with you and determine whether he or she understands your condition correctly. Take notes during the visit so that you can refer back to them when making your decision later on.

Consider Your Insurance coverage

Your health insurance provider may cover some of the expenses associated with visits to a chiropractor, so make sure to check with them prior to making any appointments. For instance, some insurance plans may only cover certain procedures while others may provide more comprehensive coverage; speaking with someone at your provider will help make sure that you are not surprised by any additional costs after receiving treatment.

Consider your Copay

Although you may have insurance to cover things like chiropractic adjustments or massage therapy visits, you may find that your copay is almost as much as if you pay out of pocket for these services, especially if you are trying to select a chiropractor that is out of network, while choosing the one that is most suitable for you. 

Often times, because of the hassle involved with insurance claims, it may be quicker and simpler to just find a chiropractor that you have been recommended by friends and family, rather than deal with the headache and time involved in copays going towards deductibles and a slight difference in payment towards someone that is not recommended to you, but happen to be in network. Instead of having to go through the rigamarole of finding a chiropractor in network, or waiting for that approval from an insurance company, the slight difference in payment may not be worth the hassle of being forced to see your second or third choice of recommended chiropractors. 

Check Credentials & License Status

As part of verifying the credentials of potential chiropractors, check if they have been licensed in your state by either contacting state board offices or looking online for license databases where information about practitioners’ certifications are provided publicly. Additionally, find out if the practitioner has any disciplinary actions or complaints against him or her which could impact their credibility negatively from past experiences with patients.

Here are some useful links below

State Board of Chiropractors 

Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners or

Verify License of a Doctor of Chiropractic

Chiropractic License Online Verification or  

Licensing Requirements for a Doctor of Chiropractic

Doctor of Chiropractic Requirements or 

The right chiropractor can make all the difference when it comes to managing your pain. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that you choose a qualified professional who is well-equipped to help manage and alleviate your symptoms in an efficient and comfortable manner. Remember to do your research and ask questions before making any decisions so that you can select the best chiropractor for your particular needs. Choosing the right chiropractor for yourself doesn’t have to be complicated – when in doubt consult a doctor familiar with various treatments such as physiotherapists first before deciding who should be responsible for managing your chronic pain relief plan day-to-day!With the right provider, you can take charge of your pain and experience a greater sense of overall health and wellbeing.

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Massage Therapy: Medicine for your Mind and Body

Massage Therapy relaxing your mind and body

Massage therapy is quickly becoming an integral part of medical treatments, as certified professionals use gentle manipulation to treat stress, relax muscles and tendons, improve immune function, and reduce overall pain. Research has proven that massage can be incredibly beneficial for stress reduction, improved relaxation, and easing of muscle tension – all crucial elements to a healthy lifestyle.

Massage to treat headaches, sciatica, and reduce Depression

Massage can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including chronic pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, and sciatica. It has also been found to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

With regular massage treatments, many people are able to lead more active lives with less stress and physical discomfort.

Massage therapy is an effective way of increasing circulation in the body and promoting healing of damaged tissues.

Research shows Positive Effects of Massage Therapy

The positive effects of massage therapy extend beyond the immediate physical benefits. Massage can help boost the immune system, improve sleep patterns, and reduce inflammation. In the study, significant decreases were noted in cortisol levels (averaging decreases 31%) and the neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) the feel good chemicals, and increased an average of 28% for serotonin and an average increase of 31% was noted for dopamine after massages.

Massage to treat poor posture

Additionally, massage techniques help improve posture by distributing tension more evenly throughout the body. This improved alignment helps prevent injury and pain as well as aiding in proper movement patterns.

Lower blood pressure through massage therapy

In addition to providing therapeutic benefits, massage therapy also provides mental benefits. Regular massages are known to promote improved concentration, relaxation, self-awareness, creativity and emotional balance. Massage has even been linked to lower heart rate, lower blood pressure, in a medical study called The effect of deep-tissue massage therapy on blood pressure and heart rate, and increased levels of endorphins, the body’s natural pain reliever.

Massage therapy is a great option for those looking to improve their mental and physical well-being.

Massage Therapy should only be provided by a certified Professional

No matter the reason, massage therapy should always be provided by a certified professional who understands the body’s anatomy as well as its limits. A licensed practitioner will tailor each session based on the individual’s needs and create a plan that focuses on healing tissue damage and reducing pain.

Furthermore, they are trained to use techniques that are safe and effective, thus avoiding any potential risks or harm to the client. Massage therapy can be incredibly beneficial for both mind and body. In many cases, it can provide relief from chronic pain and improve overall quality of life. It’s important to seek out professional massage services in order to get the most out of your treatments. With a certified masseuse, you can rest assured that your health is in good hands.

Massage Therapy as in investment in Overall Health

Massage therapy is an investment in your health that can pay off significantly over time. It’s important to remember that massage should never be used as a substitute for proper medical care and attention. If you are experiencing any physical or mental health issues, it is recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any massage treatments. They will be able to provide guidance on which techniques are most appropriate for your individual needs. With an experienced masseuse and thoughtful treatment plan, massage therapy can improve quality of life and offer numerous physical and emotional benefits!

Massage Therapy and Cancer Care

In a well know medical article, Massage therapy for cancer patients: a reciprocal relationship between body and mind,

it is known to be particularly associated with improving conditions such as cancer care and heart disease treatment.

Anyone who has ever suffered through the physical anguish of dealing with cancer knows the devastation that chemotherapy and radiation therapy leaves on the body.

However, their is also a mental toll on one’s mind and spirit that is often overlooked and downplayed during cancer treatment. The psychological trauma one suffers is difficult to measure since no one prepares the patient, nor the friends and family members on how to cope with the uncertainties of cancer. In this article, massage therapy gaps the mind and body connection, helping to soothe and assuage the onslaught of fatalistic thoughts associated with cancer. This is attributed to the relaxation that massage therapy offers, which helps alleviate anxiety, fatigue and awaken an overall sense of wellbeing.

For Pain, Nausea, and Immunity Boost

Massage therapy can also help reduce symptoms such as pain and nausea associated with cancer treatments while improving sleep quality.

Furthermore, it has been found to decrease stress hormones in the study, Cortisol decreases and serotonin and dopamine increase following massage therapy and boost immunity. These benefits are not only physical but mental too – helping people cope with the emotional effects of their diagnosis.

Trained and Licensed Massage Therapists Professionals

Massage therapists are trained professionals who understand how to use specific techniques to maximize benefits and minimize pain. If you’re considering massage therapy for your own health, make sure you find a certified therapist who can create a customized treatment plan specifically for you.

With the right combination of treatments, massage therapy can be an effective form of medicine for both mind and body, whether you need to relax after a stressful day of work, boost your immunity, or you are dealing with life threatening issues like high blood pressure or cancer treatments. As in all things medical, take the time to find the right massage therapist who can offer you the right kind of massage specifically tailored to your health issues or lifestyle.

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11 Proven Methods to Help with Back Pain during pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is a common issue that many expecting mothers experience. As the baby grows and the center of gravity shifts, the muscles and joints in the back can become strained, leading to discomfort and pain. However, there are several ways to alleviate back pain during pregnancy and maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Practice good posture

  1. Practice good posture: As the baby grows, the center of gravity shifts forward. To avoid leaning back and straining the lower back muscles, it is important to maintain good posture. Stand up straight, hold the chest high, keep the shoulders back and relaxed, and avoid locking the knees. Use a comfortably wide stance and take frequent breaks if standing for long periods. Also, choose a chair that supports the back and consider placing a small pillow behind the lower back while sitting.

Be Sure to Wear the Right Clothing

  1. Wear the right Clothing: Wearing low-heeled shoes with good arch support can help with balance and prevent falls. Avoid high heels as they can further shift the balance forward. Additionally, consider wearing a maternity support belt as some women find the additional support helpful.

Use Your Legs toLift Correctly

  1. Lift correctly: When lifting objects, use the legs to squat and lift, avoid bending at the waist or lifting with the back. It is also important to know your limits and ask for help if needed.

Be Sure and Sleep on Your Side

  1. Sleep on the side: Keep one or both knees bent, consider using pregnancy or support pillows between the legs, under the abdomen and behind the back. This helps to keep the spine in a neutral position and reduce pressure on the lower back.


Use Heat Pads, Cold Pads, or Massage

  1. Use heat, cold or massage: Massaging or applying heat or cold to the back may provide some relief. A heating pad or hot water bottle can be placed on the lower back for a few minutes to alleviate muscle tension. Cold packs or an ice bag wrapped in a towel can also be used to reduce inflammation.

 Regular physical activity

  1. Incorporate physical activity: Regular physical activity can keep the back strong and may help relieve pain. With the approval of a healthcare provider, try gentle activities such as walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga. These activities can help to strengthen the muscles in the back and keep the joints mobile. A physical therapist can also show you stretches and exercises that may be helpful.

Chiropractic treatment, Massage Therapy, and Acupuncture

  1. Consider complementary therapies: Some research suggests that acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic treatment may provide relief.  A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that acupuncture may be effective in reducing back pain during pregnancy. The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics published a study that found that chiropractic treatment may provide relief for pregnant women with back pain. Massage Therapy is also considered a highly effective treatment to help reduce back pain in pregnant mothers.The results showed that the women who received massage therapy had significantly less pain than the control group.

Stay in Healthy Weight Gain Range

  1. Maintain a healthy weight: Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can put added strain on the back, leading to pain and discomfort. It is important to maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

The healthy weight gain range for a pregnant woman is generally between 25-35 pounds, depending on the woman’s starting weight. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that women with a BMI (body mass index) of 18.5-24.9 should gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy, women with a BMI of 25-29.9 should gain 15-25 pounds, and women with a BMI of 30 or higher should gain 11-20 pounds.

Keep hydrated

  1. Drink lots of water: Drinking enough water can help to keep the muscles and joints lubricated and reduce the risk of back pain.
    1. Pregnant women should aim to drink at least 8 to 12 cups of water per day, according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to ensure that they have enough fluids to support the increased blood volume and amniotic fluid during pregnancy and to produce breast milk after giving birth.

Take a Break!

  1. Take regular breaks: If you have a sedentary job, take regular breaks to stretch and move around. Sitting for long periods can cause tension in the back muscles.

Pregnancy Pillow Support 

  1. Use a pregnancy pillow: A pregnancy pillow can be used to support the belly, back, and legs while sleeping, which can help to reduce pressure on the lower back.

Now that you are armed with these 11 proven methods of reducing or alleviating back pain during pregnancy, you will be able to more fully enjoy your pregnancy, instead of focusing on the pain from carrying around all of that extra weight. However, it is important to consult a healthcare provider if you have severe back pain during pregnancy or back pain that lasts more than two weeks. He or she may recommend medication or other treatments. Back pain during pregnancy can also be a sign of preterm labor or a urinary tract infection, so if you have back pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding, fever, or burning during urination, contact your health care provider right away. So, take care of your back pain, while you take care of your family, and enjoy your pregnancy with these 11 proven methods!

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Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Today’s moms and dads know that essential neurological development occurs in the first few years of a child’s life, and how incredibly crucial supporting their development in these early years will affect their adolescent and adult development. 

Helps with Children’s Neurological Development

When such an interference occurs in the nervous system, your child’s brain and body do not communicate as they should. Since a child learns about the world through their senses, it’s important that the brain processes that information correctly to reach milestones and thrive.

Although you may be surprised to find children in the waiting room at your chiropractor’s office, 17% of all chiropractic patients are under 18 years old, according to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The care these children receive is oftentimes preventative, meaning it sets them up for better health and well-being in the future, but it is also to deal with some sort of health issue or imbalance.

As adults, we’re often aware when our bodies aren’t in balance. Whether it’s chronic pain, headaches, or poor posture, our physical health affects us all. Children and infants aren’t exempt from this either; dysfunction within the body can inhibit their learning and growth.

Spine Misalignment can lead to Sleeplessness, Earaches, or Asthma in kids

We know that children are active explorers, and so they tend to experience more physical trauma than adults do. A small fall or bump can easily throw their spine’s alignment out of whack. Even slight misalignments can lead to issues like sleep disturbances, earaches, or asthma later on in life.

Fortunately, pediatric chiropractors have the specific knowledge and skill needed to help keep kids’ bodies functioning optimally.

Give Your Child A Positive Start

Studies show that nearly 80% of natural births cause some form of damage to the baby’s upper neck. With such a high statistic, having this area checked immediately can help to avoid future problems caused by misalignments.

We Care About Our Kids

Pediatric chiropractic care is a non-invasive and pain-free way to check for any type of spine misalignment. When we do our physical examination for a pediatric spinal misalignment, our pediatric trained and licensed chiropractors are looking for any signs of misalignments that can affect the development of your child’s healthy nervous system. Because of the small scale and nature of dealing with very small bodies, you want to seek out highly trained and practiced pediatric chiropractors like Dr. Yael Gurshwitz, at Anew Chiro Chiropractors in The Woodlands, Texas. 


Spinal trauma can result from a difficult birth or other traumatic events experienced in the first few months of a baby’s life. When an intervention at birth is necessary, force by a physician’s hands, instruments, or the birth canal on a newborns’ body can cause spinal misalignment which can lead to symptoms such as colic, failure to thrive, feeding problems, and incessant crying. Such trauma can be caused by interventions such as:

  • Breech presentation
  • Cesarean section
  • Forceps delivery
  • Prolonged time spent in the birth canal
  • Pulling and tugging on the fragileness of a baby’s neck

Toddlers and Young Children

There are certain physical milestones that a child reaches throughout their life, and moms and dads notice when a child is not reaching those milestones at the same time as other babies and toddlers their age.When those milestones are not met, parents may become concerned. If a child has developed a spinal subluxation due to the trauma they have suffered,  they may not be meeting milestones which are on pace with the rest of the children their age. The types of physical trauma that can result in subluxations include:

  1. Accidental slips
  2. Rough and tumble play
  3. A knock to the head
  4. Falling down when they are first learning to stand up and walk
  5. Injuries relating outdoor activities like bike-riding, or tree climbing
  6. Any injury that may result from lots of running or swimming

Children whose nervous system has been impacted by the types of trauma or injuries mentioned above are much more likely to develop stomach issues,  earaches, and ear infections. Not only are those some of the common ailments due to these types of trauma, but medical studies show that they may also develop difficulty learning, hyperactivity, as well as a lack of social development.


As teenagers participate in athletic activities, the chances of developing a spinal subluxation can increase. A variety of sports such as baseball, basketball, football, swimming, track running, tennis and soccer have the potential to cause injury to the spine when proper care is not taken. If there is anything that is known about teenagers, they overexert themselves and do not always practice proper techniques as they are learning and growing. This is why chiropractic care is so important during these formative years, as it can help to ensure that a growing body is well aligned and the nervous system is functioning properly.

Chiropractic care helps teens recover more quickly from physical trauma and also helps to improve their athletic performance. Chiropractic treatments can also help teenagers in terms of overall health by promoting better posture and preventing long-term damage to the spine. With regular check-ups, teenagers can stay healthy and safe while playing sports and remain physically active throughout their teenage years.

Chiropractic care is also a great way for teenagers to maintain an overall sense of wellbeing, as it helps reduce stress levels and promotes better sleep quality. This allows teens to be more focused and productive in all aspects of life.

Ultimately, chiropractic care is a great way to ensure that teens are able to remain physically healthy and happy as they grow into young adults. Whether the goal is to maximize athletic performance or simply stay healthy, regular visits to the chiropractor can help teenagers reach their athletic peak, or simply remain healthy while minimizing any potential long term health issues. 

Improved Function

Our  chiropractic doctors have received valuable feedback from many of our young patients in regards to their improvements in health and well being. The results have shown that our young patients have:

  • Improved immune system function
  • Much improved sleep and less restlessness
  • Fewer behavioral issues
  • Less down time due to illness
  • Improvement with ADD/ADHD
  • Fewer bouts of colic
  • Improved congenital muscular torticollis
  • Fewer bouts of ear infections
  • Less bed-wetting
  • Improved digestion
  • Improvement in allergies and bouts of asthma
  • Noticeably fewer seizures

A Stress-free Consultation

At Anew Chiro Chiropractic in the Woodlands Texas, we strive to provide your child with the highest quality of care. We understand that some children may have anxiety or ADHD, and we are very experienced in treating them. We make sure  we have all the information we need to provide the best treatment for your child through our consultation. Our consultation will include details about the mother’s pregnancy, delivery, any interventions or medications given and any surgeries performed. We believe that pediatric chiropractic care is essential for children, from babies through adolescence, and we are proud to be treating so many of The Woodlands area youth.

As you know, prevention is key to achieving true wellness, and we are thankful to our patients and parents for giving their children the best start in life through early intervention through chiropractic care. If you would like to learn more about chiropractic care for your child, please contact us today. We look forward to helping your child reach their highest physical potential! Let us help give your child the chance to live and learn with confidence.Please call us today at (936) 273-3370 or visit our website for more information about pediatric chiropractic care.

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Infant Torticollis

What Is Infant Torticollis?

Sometimes falling asleep with your neck in the wrong position on your pillow can result in a stiff neck, making it painful or difficult to turn your head. This is referred to as torticollis,  a fancy Latin word that means “twisted neck”.
Although it may seem unlikely due to newborns incredible flexibility, as many of their bones are still forming from cartilage, torticollis can occur. Especially if there has been trauma in the birth canal due to a difficult child birthing process. Sometimes, it can occur simply because of the baby’s position in the womb. This is referred to as  infant torticollis or congenital muscular torticollis.
While seeing a newborn with a twisted neck or having trouble turning their neck can be unsettling to most parents, a newborn does not feel pain in the same way as someone older. The best thing about Infant torticollis, is that the problem usually resolves itself with time or just by changing the position of the baby. 

What Causes Infant Torticollis?

There is not any need for great alarm when you see torticollis in infants. This head tilt is just as likely to happen in boys, as it does in girls, and usually presents itself anywhere from birth to 3 months of age.
It still remains a mystery as to why some babies present with infant torticollis, and others do not, but doctors are quick to point out that it is very common and parents should not be alarmed. Infant torticollis can happen because there is just not enough room in the fetus and the baby is cramped inside of the uterus. Or, in some cases, if the baby is in a breech position, where the baby’s bottom is facing the birth canal instead of the head facing the birth canal, it occurs with regularity. Additionally, infant torticollis may present itself when the baby is delivered using forceps or if any vacuum devices are used during childbirth. Anytime forceps or a vacuum, or a doctor’s hands, put pressure on an infant’s sternocleidomastoid muscle, known as the SCM, infant torticollis can develop. The SCM is a large and long muscle that runs down the sides of a baby’s neck from the ears to the collarbone, and applying more pressure to one side of the SCM can make it tighten up, causing tension on that side, and making it difficult for a baby to turn their neck. 

Interestingly enough, in the presence of other conditions, such as developmental dysplasia of the hip, infant torticollis may be more prevalent. You can read more about developmental dysplasia of the hip, a condition which often occurs when the baby is in an unusual position in the womb, or goes through a very difficult and tough childbirth. 

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Infant Torticollis?

A baby with infant torticollis will appear absolutely normal except when it comes to any activity that involves rotating the neck. Some of the signs to be on the lookout for include the following:


    • When they put in visible effort to turn towards you and you notice then getting frustrated when they are unable to turn their head completely 

    • When they tilt their head in one direction. This can be difficult to detect in newborns since their heads are so close to their shoulders

    • When they seemingly prefer to only look at you over a preferred shoulder and do not follow you with their eyes as normal children would

    • When breastfeeding, if your infant prefers one breast over the other, or has trouble breastfeeding on one side, over the other. 

    • When a child develops a flat head, known as positional plagiocephaly, on either side from lying in one direction all of the time, they may also develop torticollis. 

    • When an infant develops a small neck bump or lump, similar to a tense muscle “knot”, this may be indicative of infant torticollis

How Is Infant Torticollis Diagnosed?

The most common method for diagnosing infant torticollis is via a physical examination by your pediatrician. Remember that as the parent, you will spend an inordinate amount of time with your infant, watching them, feeding them, bathing and holding them, and it is important that you keep an eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary. Should you feel that something does not feel or look right, it is important that you take them to see their pediatrician to put your mind at ease. 

How Is Infant Torticollis Treated?

Should your infant or newborn be diagnosed with infant torticollis, the doctor may teach you a few stretching routines that you can perform at home with your baby. These stretching exercises will help to loosen up the tension or tightness in the SCM, while strengthening the weaker opposite side of the neck. It will be weaker because it has been used less. These stretching exercises will help your baby regain normal function and range of motion and help straighten out your baby’s neck. However, there are times that a doctor may recommend taking a baby to a physical therapist or a chiropractor that is trained and licensed to treat infants and newborns. As treatment progresses, your child’s chiropractor will do a routine check up every two to four weeks to ensure that the issue is resolved. 

Helping Your Baby at Home

Simply put, encourage your baby to turn their head in both directions. Doing so will help them loosen those tight neck muscles and the SCM, and alternatively tighten the loose muscles. You may be concerned that you may actually do more harm than good with these exercises, but babies cannot harm themselves by merely turning their own necks. The harm comes from extra pressure that was previously applied.
The following is a list of exercises to try out:


    • During the day, and especially during play time, grab your baby’s attention with toys and sounds that make them turn their heads in both directions. 

    • When it is time for a nap, have them face the wall. As babies prefer to look out onto the room, they will turn away from the wall and this will help to stretch out those tight neck muscles. 

    • When your baby is hungry, offer them your breast or bottle in such a way as to make them turn away from the side they are favoring.


Don’t Forget “Tummy Time”

Tummy time is incredibly important as an exercise for proper development that helps strengthen neck and shoulder muscles. This strengthening of both muscle groups prepares your baby for crawling, and is very helpful for a baby with torticollis and can help treat this problem by doing the following:

Place your baby on your lap for tummy time and position their had so that it is turned away from you. After doing so, speak or sing to your baby to encourage them to face you or turn towards you. Be sure to do this exercise for 15 minutes or so. 

What Else Should I Know?

By practicing these stretching exercises and position changes, most babies with torticollis will improve within 6 months, although some cases may take up to a year. These stretching exercises work best when your child is three to six months old. However, if your child’s torticollis does not improve with these exercises, be sure to consult your pediatrician regarding muscle release surgery. This procedure is used for children with infant torticollis which do not improve with exercises and therapy. 

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Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

What Is Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip?

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip or Congenital Hip Dysplasia (CHD) is an abnormal or delayed development of the hip joint, causing a dislocation between the socket and thigh bone. This condition appears in around 1.5 per 1,000 births with girls being 8 times more likely to be affected. In normal circumstances, the femur should fit securely into its respective hip socket (the acetabulum). But sometimes during gestation or shortly after birth this connection becomes misaligned due to excess movement in the joint; usually leading to an upward displacement of the femur from out of its corresponding hip socket.

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip can cause life-long physical issues, such as leg and hip pain, an awkward gait, restricted range of motion in the legs, unequal length between the limbs or even early onset arthritis. Being a firstborn child with female gender increases one’s risk factor for CHD; furthermore breech delivery as well as family history may play a role too. Therefore, it is essential to detect this condition at an early stage, so that any joint development difficulties can be addressed promptly and prevent long-term complications from arising.

If you think your child might have developmental dysplasia of the hip/hip dysplasia, it’s important to get medical attention right away because this condition can lead to severe problems if left untreated.

It is important to note that most infants treated for developmental dysplasia of the hip develop into active, healthy kids and have no future hip problems.


Can a Chiropractor help with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip?

Chiropractors are trained to recognize warning signs that could indicate the presence of a condition, such as: 

-A discrepancy in leg length

-An unevenness at the thigh skin folds

-Restricted mobility or range of motion when bending the hip due to muscle tightness and tension  

-The distinctive ‘waddle’ gait associated with this ailment   

-The clunking sound emitted from within the affected hip upon walking.

As part of the six post-natal check ups your newborn should receive in their first year, Chiropractors can perform simple assessments for hip problems. If any issues are identified, chiropractic adjustments can help bring the joint back to ideal working order and condition. Additionally, strengthening exercises, pain management techniques and functional activities will be carried out by a chiropractor while they can also provide take home exercises that could supplement treatment from the comfort of one’s own living space.

What are the risk factors associated with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip?

The cause of developmental dysplasia of the hip is mostly unknown, but there are many contributing factors, usually both genetic and environmental. There are a number of risk factors that have been associated with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH), including:

    •   Use of forceps during delivery  

    •   Family history of DDH

    •   Being born a female

    •   Breech position delivery

    •   Tight swaddling of an infant’s legs

    •   Oligohydramnios or low amniotic fluid during pregnancy 

    •   Being born twins, triplets, etc.

    •   First-born babies are at greater risk of dislocation of the hipOther factors 

    •   Having flexible ligaments

    • The presence of other conditions
        •  infant torticollis, clubfoot malformation, congenital conditions, metatarsus adductus, etc. 

It is important to note that even in the presence of the aforementioned factors, DDH may not develop, but it is critical to have your child diagnosed further should they be present. Early detection and treatment are critical to avoid more invasive procedures discussed at the end of this article. 

What Happens in a Hip With Developmental Dysplasia?

Our hips have a remarkable ball and socket system that allows us to move in all directions, from the front, back and side-to-side when walking or running. The ball part of the joint usually sits inside a socket forming part of the pelvic bone. The ball moves around in different directions inside the socket and usually stays put in normally developing children. Unfortunately, with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), this joint does not form correctly which results in an incorrectly positioned ball within a shallow socket. When this occurs, there is too much space between your baby’s thigh bone and pelvis. This additional space causes his or her thigh bone to slip out of place when he or she moves around in the womb, or during and after birth.

Unless these issues are quickly treated, they can result in severe pain while walking, and can cause arthritis at a young age. Both of these conditions can cause immense suffering for those affected.

What are the Symptoms of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip?

Developmental dysplasia of the hip rarely causes pain in babies, but can be very difficult to diagnose without an exam. Parents should pay particular attention to the following signs and symptoms:

    • One hip/leg moves differently or has a different range of motion

    • A popping or clicking that is heard from the hip area

    • A limp when first starting to walk 

    • The folds of skin under the thighs or buttocks do not line up

    •  A difference in leg length 

How Is Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Diagnosed?

Before three months of age, your chiropractor that specializes in treating infants and children will perform two physical exams to test for DDH. 

    • In the Ortolani test, your child’s pediatrician or chiropractor will apply upward force as they move your child’s hip away from the body (abduction).

    • In the Barlow test, your child’s pediatrician or chiropractor will apply downward force as they move your child’s hip across the body (adduction).

Once diagnosed, they will work closely with your pediatrician or pediatric orthopedic doctor to come up with the best treatment plan and physical therapy regimen.

How Is Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Treated?

Getting the ball of the hip into the socket and keeping it there, so that it develops normally will be the main objective of treatment. 

Your doctor will choose the treatment based on the child’s age, and the options include:

    •   bracing as through a Pavlik Harness

    •   a closed reduction with casting

    •   an open reduction/surgery and casting

Pavlik Harness bracing

If the baby is younger than 6 months old, the use of a soft brace is usually the best route. The brace most often used is a Pavlik harness. Utilizing a shoulder harness that attaches to foot stirrups, the Pavlik harness puts the baby’s legs into a position which guides the ball of the hip joint into alignment with the socket.

The normal amount of time in a Pavlik harness will be from 6 to 12 weeks. Utilizing a Pavlik harness usually means that most babies will not require further treatment.

If for some reason the harness does not realign the ball and socket joint, doctors may perform one of the following:

    • a closed reduction/manually moving the ball back into the socket, and casting
        • Used when a baby commences treatment after age 6 months.

    • an open reduction/surgery and casting
        • Used when a baby commences treatment after age 18 months.

What is the long term prognosis for Children with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip?

If treatment is sought early, then the long term prognosis for Children with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip is a healthy one. Most infants identified and treated within the first two weeks of life have healthy hips as adults, with very few experiencing any pain or disability associated with the hip joint. However, treatment for infants can be time consuming and complex, involving specialized equipment, so it’s important to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you suspect DDH is present. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to achieving a healthy long-term prognosis for these children.

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Can Chiropractors Help Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain?

What is Sciatica or Sciatic Nerve Pain?

Sciatica is a type of nerve pain that originates in the lower back and travels down the legs. It can be caused by a herniated disk, an overgrowth of bone, or other medical conditions.  

There is some research which shows that a lumbar herniated disc causes upwards of 90% of sciatica cases.

Can Chiropractors Help Relieve Sciatica?

Recent studies indicate that chiropractic care has a sound track record for both alleviating symptoms and tackling the root cause of ailments, with one study indicating an impressive 72% success rate in treating sciatica. Comparable to physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT), chiropractic treatment utilizes manual techniques, stretching, and strength-building exercises as part of its regimen.

What Methods do Chiropractors Use to Treat Sciatica?

Chiropractors help relieve sciatic nerve pain by using several different manual techniques such as ice/cold therapies, ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation, spinal decompression,  and spinal adjustments. Chiropractors also use stretching and strength-building exercises to alleviate the symptoms of sciatica, and help reduce future flare ups. 

Spinal Adjustments Help Reduce Pain from Sciatica

Chiropractors use manual adjustments to restore spinal alignment and reduce inflammation. This helps to alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve and provide relief from sciatica-related pain. Spinal adjustments can also reduce muscle tension and improve movement in the spine, which can further reduce pain from sciatica.

Chiropractors also endeavor to strengthen muscles that support the spine, which helps limit or lessen future episodes of sciatica. By strengthening these muscles through targeted exercises, chiropractors can help minimize the risk of recurring pain from sciatica.

Ice/Cold Therapies To Treat Pain from Sciatica

A chiropractor will use ice therapy in treating sciatica in order to accomplish the following:

  • Lessen pain 
  • Numb the affected area 
  • Reduce muscle spasms
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Prevent swelling

Spinal Decompression To Treat Pain from Sciatica

A less invasive sciatica treatment alternative is a gentle, non-surgical spinal decompression treatment using a spinal decompression machine such as the ABS spinal decompression DRX9000 pictured.  This spinal decompression treatment involves gently decompressing the involved spinal disks, thus relieving pressure on the sciatic nerve.

What are the results of Spinal Decompression Research to relieve pain?

Patients now have a non- surgical option to relieve the nonstop pain they have been experiencing from various ailments such as sciatica. This spinal decompression technology today appears to be a dream come true for those who suffer with compressed disks. Research indicates that 92% patients report overall improvement, and of these, 5% improved 25-50%; 17% improved 50-75%; 70% improved 75-100%. (Gose, Naguszewski & Naguszewski , The Journal of Neurological Research, Volume 20)

As more people are experiencing relief and full recovery using the technology available, this dream becomes a reality. If you have tried chiropractic manipulations, physical therapy, drugs, and do not want to assume the risks associated with back surgery, then spinal decompression is the next logical choice in treating sciatica.

Ultrasound Stimulation To Treat Sciatica

Chiropractors treating sciatica may opt to use ultrasound therapy in order to help their patients manage any discomfort or pain caused by this ailment. This treatment uses sound waves that penetrate deeply into the soft tissues of the affected area, aiming to improve circulation and reduce muscle spasms,as this has been known to alleviate pain. Ultimately, ultrasound therapy seeks to provide relief from sciatica-related discomfort and pain.

Electric Muscle Stimulation To Treat Sciatica

Electrical Muscle Stimulation is an exceptional way to help the body in the healing process if you are suffering from Sciatica. This is accomplished by sending a very small electrical current into the affected area of the sciatic nerve. The therapy utilizes this current in an effort to help reduce swelling and release trigger points that may have the muscle locked up. It does this by helping the body to release natural relievers of pain often referred to as endorphins.

This is a great therapy to treat Sciatica. It works well in relaxing the muscle and allowing it to return to its normal state rather quickly. Short therapy sessions are excellent at facilitating healing from acute and chronic pain associated with Sciatica. 

What Exercises Do Chiropractors Recommend For Sciatica?

Types of exercises that chiropractors may use to help reduce sciatic nerve pain include strengthening exercises, such as weightlifting, resistance training and core stabilization. These exercises can help to strengthen the muscles that support the spine and reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve. Additionally, stretching and range-of-motion exercises can be used to increase flexibility and help alleviate pain associated with sciatica. 

Here are three very useful stretching exercises that you can use to help alleviate sciatica related pain:

Lying Knee-to-Chest Stretch for Sciatic Nerve Pain

  • Lie on your back with your legs extended. Try not to arch your back.
  • Slowly bring one knee toward your chest and grasp it with both of your hands (either behind or on top of the knee).
  • Gently pull on the knee until you feel a mild stretch in your lower spine and hip.
  • Hold 5 to 30 seconds. Lower slowly.
  • Do two to four repetitions

Glute Bridge Exercise for Sciatic Nerve pain

Strengthening your glutes can help reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve and improve overall muscle tone to decrease future sciatica flare ups. 

  • Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be relaxed at your sides. 
  • Push through your heels to raise your hips until you create a straight line from your shoulders to your knees, and hold this position for a few seconds 
  • Now, slowly lower them back down to the floor. 
  • Repeat as necessary for best results

Standing Hamstring Stretch for Sciatic Nerve pain

  • Stand straight up and put one foot on a higher surface, like a chair or stair step
  • Straighten the leg on the chair while pointing your toes up in the air 
  • Lean forward slowly while keeping your back straight
  • Hold for 15 to 30 seconds while breathing regularly
  • Alternate legs and do the same for both for three repetitions per leg

Does Acupuncture help relieve Sciatica pain?

The results from recent research found in the national library of medicine,  “indicate that acupuncture is clinically effective, reduces pain intensity, and increases pain threshold in patients with sciatica compared with medication.”

As such, Chiropractors licensed in acupuncture, such as DR. Eric LeBeouf, licensed and practicing for over 20 years, is adept at relieving sciatica pain through acupuncture.

Other Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Sciatic Nerve Pain

Research has shown that regular visits to a chiropractor can lead to improved mobility, better posture, and less fatigue throughout the day—all of which can help relieve symptoms associated with sciatic nerve pain.  Through manual adjustments and targeted exercises, chiropractors work to alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve while also strengthening other muscles in order to prevent future episodes of sciatica from occurring. Furthermore, because chiropractic care focuses on holistic wellness rather than symptom management alone, it helps people achieve optimal health without relying solely on medications or surgery.

If you’re suffering from chronic sciatic nerve pain and would like relief without taking medication or undergoing surgery, consider visiting our doctors at Anewchiro chiropractic  for sciatica pain relief today.

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What Specialty Treatments do Chiropractors Use?

Spinal Decompression To Treat Pain

You don’t have to live in debilitating pain. Whether you have lower back pain, a pinched nerve, sciatica, neck pain, or a variety of symptoms related to damaged or degenerative discs, as well as syndromes of the lumbar and cervical spine, DTS “Decompression Traction System” therapy may be for you.

DTS “Decompression Traction System” Therapy is an Alternative to Surgery

This gentle, non-surgical therapy can provide lower back pain relief, sciatica pain relief, and is a state-of-the-art therapy for neck pain relief, bulging or degenerative disc disease, and lumbar pain. Our state of the art spinal decompression treatment incorporates a spinal decompression machine, the ABS spinal decompression DRX9000 ( pictured).

The gentle distractive forces of the ABS spinal decompression DRX9000 create a decompression of the spine with unloading due to distraction and proper positioning, to improve blood flow and nutrient exchange to the injured area. You’ll experience several cycles of stretching and relaxation, which graduate to a peak over a period of several minutes.

Therapy sessions typically last less than 20 minutes, 3 times a week for 1 month, transitioning from passive to active treatments as you respond, with most patients feeling pain relief with as few as 6-10 treatments. Most patients are released from treatment after 8 weeks.

A complete program targeting the function of the stabilization muscles is a vital part of DTS Therapy. Exercise and adjunctive therapies such as heat, muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and cold therapy can assist in rehabilitation of these structures. Our goal is to not only help heal the disc, but to also enhance muscular control and support of the back and neck.

Regular home exercise and periodic visits to our office will help in maintaining your spinal health and reduce the probability of recurrence. Clinical results of this type of therapy have been effective in over 75% of the patients treated and most patients find long-term relief or effective management of their pain when they complete the entire program of treatments utilizing the DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy.

What are the results of Spinal Decompression Research to relieve pain?

Patients now have a non- surgical option to relieve the nonstop pain they have been experiencing from various ailments such as sciatica. This spinal decompression technology today appears to be a dream come true for those who suffer with compressed disks. Research indicates that 92% patients report overall improvement, and of these, 5% improved 25-50%; 17% improved 50-75%; 70% improved 75-100%. (Gose, Naguszewski & Naguszewski , The Journal of Neurological Research, Volume 20)

As more people are experiencing relief and full recovery using this type of technology, the dream of non-surgical back pain relief becomes a reality. If you have tried chiropractic manipulations, physical therapy, drugs, and do not want to assume the risks associated with back surgery, then spinal decompression is the next logical choice in treating sciatica.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine used to alleviate pain and promote overall health. Acupuncture uses needles placed along invisible meridians that run throughout the body. Today, acupuncturists also use lasers, magnets and electric pulses in addition to needles. Each meridian point has a specific meaning and can unblock and repair meridians and channels with vital energy or chi. Through the stimulation of the meridians, an acupuncturist is able to restore balance and ergo health to the patient.

Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of health problems, such as:

  • Persistent lower back pain
  • Chronic tension­-type headaches and migraines
  • Neck pain
  • Joint pain
  • Postoperative pain
  • Allergies
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Insomnia

The art of acupuncture has taken thousands of years to develop and test. Many patients compliment acupuncture with other therapies such as chiropractic care, massage, physical therapy and more. This Chinese therapy is all natural and allows the body to repair itself with help from stimulating specific acupoints. Acupuncture takes a holistic approach to understanding normal function and disease processes, and focuses as much on the prevention of illness as on the treatment.

Adjustments and Manipulation

Adjustments, or spinal manipulations, are the minor movement of vertebrae in the spine. The objective of this movement is to realign vertebrae that have moved out of place for a number of reasons ranging from normal daily activity to trauma.

When these vertebrae are out of place, it has an overall systemic effect from the muscular system to the central nervous system. Without proper alignment and flow of all nerves and systems in the body from the brain, it becomes impossible to function at our peak.

An adjustment is often a pressure from the chiropractor utilizing the hands or an instrument to move a vertebrae back into place. This happens with a quick movement and is often without discomfort. You may hear a noise that sounds like you’re cracking your knuckles referred to as joint cavitation. It is the release of gasses such as oxygen and nitrogen from the joint.

Overall, adjustments are an excellent way to keep the body functioning at its highest level. When the body is in alignment, the body is able to respond and perform as designed.

Ice Cold Therapy

A chiropractor will use ice therapy as a specialty treatment. Ice Cold therapy begins by applying an ice pack to the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, and then placing a heat wrap in the same area. This ice cold therapy technique will help promote blood flow in the affected/injured area and decrease the amount of time needed to heal.This technique is good for lower back pain, arthritis, and pain associated with muscle strains. Switching back and forth between heat and ice is really effective for reducing back pain. The ice pack acts to reduce any swelling in the area and also to numb pain. The heat is then used to allow the muscles to relax while improving circulation in the muscle in order to promote faster healing.This treatment works great for lower back pain or injuries to the lower back. Ice Cold Therapy helps in the following ways:

  • Lessens pain 
  • Numbs the affected area 
  • Reduces muscle spasms
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Prevents/decreases swelling

Graston Technique

The Graston Technique is a soft-tissue manual therapy technique using stainless steel instruments to assist in mobilization of areas of the body which have incurred damage or scar tissue. This instrument based manual therapy approach is a specialized form of massage/scraping of the skin. The graston technique is designed to assist the Chiropractor in finding and breaking up areas that have scar tissue. 

In general, the desired results of applying the Graston Technique utilized to reduce pain and increase mobility of an affected area are two-fold- 

  1. Break down scar tissue and any fascia restrictions
  2. Promote faster and improved healing for the injured soft tissue

Research shows that there is a high success rate for patients experiencing chronic and acute pain from soft tissue injuries, including improving mobility and patient function while reducing pain by using the Graston Technique.

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Essential Core Exercises To Do At Home

13 Chiropractic exercises you can practice at home

Partial Sit Up

Partial sit ups are recommended for people with back pain. The same muscle groups are worked out without putting stress on the lower back. You will start just like a regular sit up with your back on the floor, both feet on the floor, and your knees bent. Raise your head, neck, and shoulders off of the floor and hold that position for 5 seconds. This exercise will strengthen your core and is simple to do. Repeat as many times as you can, with a goal of increasing your reps each day.

Knee to Chest

You start this exercise the same way as the partial sit up. Begin the exercise by drawing one of your knees to your chest, using both hands (only one foot is now in the air). Hold to the count of 10, then slowly release it to the rest position. Do 4-5 repetitions, and then repeat with your other leg, then both legs at the same time. This exercise stretches your glutes and back.

Hip Roll

Start this exercise flat on your back with your arms extended out to the side. Bend your knees and lift your feet off of the ground. You will now rotate your hips to the side so that your legs become parallel with the floor. Rotate from side to side for 5-10 repetitions. This is another core exercise that strengthens your abdominal muscles.

Low Back Extension

Start by laying flat on your stomach with your hands to your side. Lift your head and upper body off of the ground by using the muscles in your lower back. Hold this position for 4-5 seconds and then lower yourself back down. Repeat 10-15 times.


Position yourself on all fours with hands directly beneath your shoulders and knees directly beneath your hips with your back straight. Use your abdominal muscles to push your back towards the ceiling, arching it like a cat. You should notice your head will point down towards the floor. Next, drop your back so that your lower back extends. Your head should raise when doing this. Make sure to keep your elbows straight the entire time, the only movement should be in your spine. Repeat this 12-15 times.

Back Extension

This exercise is best performed with a stability ball. Lay with your stomach on the stability ball with your hands behind your head. Tighten your abdominal muscles and use your lower back muscles by contracting your glutes to lift your shoulders and chest off the ball.


Lie face down with your arms extended above your head. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your arms and legs off the ground. It should look like you are in a Superman like flying position. Hold this for about 30 seconds and then release. You may be tempted to hold your breath when clenching your abdominal muscles. DON’T! Control your breathing while holding this position.

Single Leg Reverse Curl

Lie on your back with one knee flexed and foot flat on the floor and the other leg straight out slightly raised off the ground. Extend arms flat along the body and maintain neutral alignment in the cervical spine.

Lift the working knee and leg in an upward diagonal direction over the belly button. Pause, then slowly lower the leg to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

Double Leg Lifts

Using a stability ball, lay face down with your hands on the floor in front of the ball. Raise both legs off of the floor until your body is horizontal and hold the position for about 10 seconds. Lower your legs back down to the floor and repeat 5-10 times.

Spinal Rotations

While seated in a chair, reach one arm across your stomach and grasp the opposite side of the chair. Look over the shoulder while rotating the low- and mid-back. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Stability Ball Push-Ups

Start with the ball under your stomach and your hands on the floor in front of you. Roll forward slowly until your shins are balancing on the stability ball. Now perform pushups as your normally would by bending at the elbow.

Side Lumbar Bridge

Lie on one side with your legs straight. Support the upper body by keeping the elbow directly beneath the shoulder. Being careful not to let the top hip rotate forward, engage the abdominals and use the torso to lift the hips. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, maintaining a neutral neck and spine position.

Crunch w/Stability Ball

Lay down with your back on the stability ball and your hands behind your head or folded across your chest. Maintain a backwards-pelvic tilt and raise shoulder blades off the ball, return to the starting position, and repeat.

Should you experience pain while performing any of these stretches, it is important to stop immediately. A certain amount of soreness is expected if you are beginning a stretching regimen, or rehabilitating an injury. However, should the pain persist, you may want to seek medical attention. Pain is the body’s way of letting you know that something is wrong, so it is crucial to pay attention to your body and seek medical advice from a qualified healthcare professional. Do not put your health at risk by ignoring the signals your body is sending you.

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