Back pain during pregnancy is a common issue that many expecting mothers experience. As the baby grows and the center of gravity shifts, the muscles and joints in the back can become strained, leading to discomfort and pain. However, there are several ways to alleviate back pain during pregnancy and maintain a healthy pregnancy.
Practice good posture
- Practice good posture: As the baby grows, the center of gravity shifts forward. To avoid leaning back and straining the lower back muscles, it is important to maintain good posture. Stand up straight, hold the chest high, keep the shoulders back and relaxed, and avoid locking the knees. Use a comfortably wide stance and take frequent breaks if standing for long periods. Also, choose a chair that supports the back and consider placing a small pillow behind the lower back while sitting.
Be Sure to Wear the Right Clothing
- Wear the right Clothing: Wearing low-heeled shoes with good arch support can help with balance and prevent falls. Avoid high heels as they can further shift the balance forward. Additionally, consider wearing a maternity support belt as some women find the additional support helpful.
Use Your Legs toLift Correctly
- Lift correctly: When lifting objects, use the legs to squat and lift, avoid bending at the waist or lifting with the back. It is also important to know your limits and ask for help if needed.
Be Sure and Sleep on Your Side
- Sleep on the side: Keep one or both knees bent, consider using pregnancy or support pillows between the legs, under the abdomen and behind the back. This helps to keep the spine in a neutral position and reduce pressure on the lower back.
Use Heat Pads, Cold Pads, or Massage
- Use heat, cold or massage: Massaging or applying heat or cold to the back may provide some relief. A heating pad or hot water bottle can be placed on the lower back for a few minutes to alleviate muscle tension. Cold packs or an ice bag wrapped in a towel can also be used to reduce inflammation.
Regular physical activity
- Incorporate physical activity: Regular physical activity can keep the back strong and may help relieve pain. With the approval of a healthcare provider, try gentle activities such as walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga. These activities can help to strengthen the muscles in the back and keep the joints mobile. A physical therapist can also show you stretches and exercises that may be helpful.
Chiropractic treatment, Massage Therapy, and Acupuncture
- Consider complementary therapies: Some research suggests that acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic treatment may provide relief. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that acupuncture may be effective in reducing back pain during pregnancy. The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics published a study that found that chiropractic treatment may provide relief for pregnant women with back pain. Massage Therapy is also considered a highly effective treatment to help reduce back pain in pregnant mothers.The results showed that the women who received massage therapy had significantly less pain than the control group.
Stay in Healthy Weight Gain Range
- Maintain a healthy weight: Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can put added strain on the back, leading to pain and discomfort. It is important to maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity.
The healthy weight gain range for a pregnant woman is generally between 25-35 pounds, depending on the woman’s starting weight. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that women with a BMI (body mass index) of 18.5-24.9 should gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy, women with a BMI of 25-29.9 should gain 15-25 pounds, and women with a BMI of 30 or higher should gain 11-20 pounds.

Keep hydrated
- Drink lots of water: Drinking enough water can help to keep the muscles and joints lubricated and reduce the risk of back pain.
- Pregnant women should aim to drink at least 8 to 12 cups of water per day, according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to ensure that they have enough fluids to support the increased blood volume and amniotic fluid during pregnancy and to produce breast milk after giving birth.
Take a Break!
- Take regular breaks: If you have a sedentary job, take regular breaks to stretch and move around. Sitting for long periods can cause tension in the back muscles.
Pregnancy Pillow Support
- Use a pregnancy pillow: A pregnancy pillow can be used to support the belly, back, and legs while sleeping, which can help to reduce pressure on the lower back.
Now that you are armed with these 11 proven methods of reducing or alleviating back pain during pregnancy, you will be able to more fully enjoy your pregnancy, instead of focusing on the pain from carrying around all of that extra weight. However, it is important to consult a healthcare provider if you have severe back pain during pregnancy or back pain that lasts more than two weeks. He or she may recommend medication or other treatments. Back pain during pregnancy can also be a sign of preterm labor or a urinary tract infection, so if you have back pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding, fever, or burning during urination, contact your health care provider right away. So, take care of your back pain, while you take care of your family, and enjoy your pregnancy with these 11 proven methods!